Thursday, January 15, 2004

Our Home With Wheels

Boy, are we glad we are in Arizona.  Friends came in from Vermont yesterday and they experienced a 100 degree change in temperature.   I guess their glad to be here too. lol

I thought you might like to see our home.  Some other day I will take some pictures of the resort that we are in.    Have a happy day.    


Anonymous said...

What a great place! Thank you for inviting us into your home. The pictures were great. I had no idea how much space there was inside a mobil home. I'ts a beautiful home. And, I too loved that picture of the moon! Nice meeting you tonight in the Journal's chat. : )

Anonymous said...

I did like the pics. It's amazing how much you can have in an RV. Some of the pictures would not load up so I couldn't see all of them.

My favorite, of course, was the moon. It was beautiful.

Have a wonderful day and keep you frineds from Vermont good and warm.

Anonymous said...

Had a 32' Arrow for a while but decided we needed a concrete floor. Guess you are happy about the area weather. NH like NJ is a bit chilly. Glad I'm in NV. Just stopped by to say Hi. Regards, Bill......"Comments on the events of my life."

Anonymous said...

Hello there. Just fropping in via Pam (his1desire)'s journal. Nice home you have there! :-)


Anonymous said...

now that looks like my own idea of the perfect home !! thanks for visiting my journal :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing those great pics. It must be wonderful to travel the country. Also, your in warmer part of the country which is always nice during the winter.

Michelle : )