Thursday, January 1, 2004

No party for us.

I hope everyone had a good new years eve.  We were suppossed to go to a house party but Bob was sick.  He still is not himself today.  I can remember when we were very young, one of the children were sick on new years eve and we were not able to go out.  I thought at the time it was the worst thing that could happen to me.  I spent half the night feeling very sorry for myself..  Now, being much older and wiser, it's just not that important. 

I was cleaning  out some of my favorite things and found this site some of you might get a kick out of: - Links to the most interesting sites on the internet

The third one down is pretty  interesting, and stupid videos  are fun to watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Bob will be feeling better. Being sick is never fun. Keep each other healthy and continue to have fun with life