Sunday, January 11, 2004

Credit Card Offer

I was reading my old hometown newspaper and thought this was funny.

As a wealthy businessman, Israel Thorndike seemed like a good candidate for a credit card.  But he lacked one qualification: He's dead.  Has been for 171 years.

That didn't stop FleetBank fron sending him an application for a card last month.  The letter was addressed to him at the Beverly Historical Society. Thorndike would probably forgive Fleet-Bank for it's mistake, considering he was the first president of the Beverly National Bank.

A little joke...Lena folded Ole's underware and put them in the drawer. The next morning he took a pair out and shaking the power out of them said, "Lena, I wish you wouldn't put so much powder in my underware."  Lena replied " That isn't powder. It's Miracle Grow".    That's all folks.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Too funny!!! Thanks for stopping by my journal. I think I've been here before. What a great way to live!!! I have been a Nomad all my life. If I ever retire, not sure I could, I would want to do what you two are doing. ---Robbie

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the smile. It's a Monday and I'm at work -- I appreciate all the smiles I can get. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Well I have been a Texan all my life, but i don't know what a paper Texan is. Am I dense?

Anonymous said...

I rejoyed your Journal and I can't wait to read more...

Anonymous said...

I love your joke lol :) Credit card companies are insane. When you guys took to the road did you leave your place with a housesitter? Or put everything in storage? Or sell it all and gave way to the winds of the road?
Just call me curious!

Anonymous said...

Love your journal. I loved your entry quote by Mark Twain. Oh did he hit it right on the mark. You are living out something I always dreamed about doing one day. Guess I will have to live vicariously through you! LOL Hope you can stop by journal. Continue to enjoy your travels.

Anonymous said...

Hi Curious,

When we left Ma. we sold our home and our camp in Maine. We sold ,and or gave away most of our belongs and packed up a 4x8 trailer of personal belongs that we just couldn't give up, ( like my baton uniform from H.S. lol ) and these are being stored at my son's house in Indy. Someone once said " What rocks my world, is just a rock in someone else's shoe."