Sunday, January 4, 2004

Catch up.

Hi all,  We had a busy week-end with a bunch of small projects.  The kind that before you know it the day is over.  Anyway I just got in from cribbage. We play on Sunday nights.  The lady that runs it has the flu, so I told her I would be her back up.  We  had 13 tables of 4.  Nice group, always have a few laughs there.  Didn't win.  Boy, did my cards stink tonight.

We had two full time rv'ers, like ourselves call us today. Art & Ginny are in Florida, parked at the beach with 80 degree sunny weather, and Vicky & Gary called from Casa Grande, Az.  We made plans with them to visit us  Wednesday.  It's going to be 75 here all week.  Just perfect for me.  

Yesterday I went to the library and borrowed two books and put two more on the waiting list.  When we are traveling I am not able to user a library, so when we get here, I have a list. Most of the camping resorts have a book exchange which is good, but they are usually not the latest reads. 

  Well kido's, gotta go now.  Have a happy day tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just think it's great what you are doing. I would love to RV around and see our great country. But, alas I am chained to a job and a new house.

How in the world did you plan for such an exciting retirement?