Thursday, January 22, 2004

Odds and Ends

I received this email today.

This is our day: 
 Today is International Day of the Very Good Looking, Beautiful
and Damn Attractive People, so send this message to someone you think
fits this description. 

  Please do not send it back to me as I have already received over
fifty thousand messages and my inbox is jammed.    LOL

Have a great day! ;-)

I was happly surprised to receive a email from freely floralilia, the official journal of pointless posting.  She said that I had inspired her!   What a gift,  Thanks Flora.

Lastly, tonight we went to see a play here at the park.  The Good Life Players presented  " The Cleanest Town in the West.  What a hoot. The players were all between the ages of 66-87years.   They got a standing ovation.  Good time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no, seriously, thank - you.