Saturday, January 31, 2004

Who will win Super Bowl XXXVIII ?


Finally, it's here: Super Bowl XXXVIII, the 38th meeting of the top teams in the National and American football conferences. And once again, the title game features my beloved New England Patriots, who enter the game a one-touchdown favorite over the upstart Carolina Panthers.

Some 137 million people -- about half the nation's population -- are expected to watch at least six minutes of it on TV. About 86 million will watch in much bigger chunks.  We will be among the 86 million, waving our Patriot's flags. - The Ultimate Tom Brady Fansite!!!        

                                            GO PATS!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Desert Walk

Last Spring we took our first desert hike.  It was exciting to see all the varieties of cactus and desert flowers.  ( No deserts or mountains in  Massachusetts) lol

The area of trails are maintained by a few hiking clubs, whom do a great job.

It was pretty amusing to us to see the horseback riders appear just like in a Western movie. ( We don't have cowboys either!)

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Recalibrate your mouse

This is an excellent way to recalibrate your mouse.

ZStop screwing around and go do something co nstructive                                          J
This is an excellent way to recalibrate your mouse.  1. Click and hold on the moon (don't let go).  2. Drag your mouse toward the smiley.  If it doesn't work, you might want to clean your mouse

Friday, January 23, 2004

The Enchanted Highway

Tourism didn't exist in Hettinger County, N.D. until a local farmer envisioned bigger things: Giant metal folk art sculptures.  These wonderful sculptues are  on  the highway from Interstate 94 at Gladstone to Regent in Southwest North Dakota.  This road is 32 miles of scenic prairie around the town of Regent.  From the highway you can see the sculptures ranging from 40-50 feet high.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Odds and Ends

I received this email today.

This is our day: 
 Today is International Day of the Very Good Looking, Beautiful
and Damn Attractive People, so send this message to someone you think
fits this description. 

  Please do not send it back to me as I have already received over
fifty thousand messages and my inbox is jammed.    LOL

Have a great day! ;-)

I was happly surprised to receive a email from freely floralilia, the official journal of pointless posting.  She said that I had inspired her!   What a gift,  Thanks Flora.

Lastly, tonight we went to see a play here at the park.  The Good Life Players presented  " The Cleanest Town in the West.  What a hoot. The players were all between the ages of 66-87years.   They got a standing ovation.  Good time.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Happy Birthday Bob



Today is my hubby's birthday.  We have been married almost 46 years and he is still the man of my dreams.  He makes me laugh every day, stills holds my hand and lets me know everyday  that I am loved. I am one lucky chick.

Monday, January 19, 2004

Arizona Sky Diving

Today we went to Skydive Arizona, located in the heart of the scenic Sonoran Desert, which lies midway between Arizona's two largest cities, Phoenix and Tucson. This school was started at a gravel airstrip N. of Phoenix  and has grown into the  world's largest skydiving center, with over 150,000 jumps made every year.

Most of the jumpers today were Canadian  and a few from Alaska.  It seems to be a sport for all ages.   Their were many young adults  and a jump master that we were talking to appears to be in his 70's.    He has made over 11,000 jumps! 

Who knows maybe I'll give it a try sometime.   Skydive Arizona - Come to the Sun!

Sunday, January 18, 2004


At half time the New England Patriots are ahead 15-0.

Keep it up guys!!  Two minutes to go! I'm sitting here on my Patriots bean bag chair, covered with my Pat's  throw, sipping from  my Pats cup, with my little head on a Pats pillow while waving my Pats banner.

A minute 20 seconds to go, 21-14.   We are trying for field goal.  If we get it, we are going to the Super Bowl.   It's good!!!! 24-14 New England.   We are going to the Super Bowl 38.  YaaaaHooo

Saturday, January 17, 2004


It's to cold in New England to wish that I were there BUT, I wouldn't mind being at the Foxboro stadium  for just  a few hours tomorrow.   I'll be here in Arizona, just a hootin and a hollering.  So if you see this place a rocken, don't be afraid to come a knocking.    GOOOOO    PATS

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Our Home With Wheels

Boy, are we glad we are in Arizona.  Friends came in from Vermont yesterday and they experienced a 100 degree change in temperature.   I guess their glad to be here too. lol

I thought you might like to see our home.  Some other day I will take some pictures of the resort that we are in.    Have a happy day.    

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Credit Card Offer

I was reading my old hometown newspaper and thought this was funny.

As a wealthy businessman, Israel Thorndike seemed like a good candidate for a credit card.  But he lacked one qualification: He's dead.  Has been for 171 years.

That didn't stop FleetBank fron sending him an application for a card last month.  The letter was addressed to him at the Beverly Historical Society. Thorndike would probably forgive Fleet-Bank for it's mistake, considering he was the first president of the Beverly National Bank.

A little joke...Lena folded Ole's underware and put them in the drawer. The next morning he took a pair out and shaking the power out of them said, "Lena, I wish you wouldn't put so much powder in my underware."  Lena replied " That isn't powder. It's Miracle Grow".    That's all folks.

Friday, January 9, 2004

Saguaro Lake

One of our favorite places to bring a visitor is to lunch  at Saguaro Lake.  You can't beat the scenery.  It is located northeast of Fountain Hills. Food and drinks are served at the Saguaro Lake Restaurant and sitting on the outdoor patio overlooking the lake is a real treat, especially in the late afternoon when the sun reflects on the colorful canyon walls around the lake.  The lake itself is 10 miles in length.  It's hard to imagine this wonderful scenic area within 1\2 hour from Mesa.

Sunday, January 4, 2004

Catch up.

Hi all,  We had a busy week-end with a bunch of small projects.  The kind that before you know it the day is over.  Anyway I just got in from cribbage. We play on Sunday nights.  The lady that runs it has the flu, so I told her I would be her back up.  We  had 13 tables of 4.  Nice group, always have a few laughs there.  Didn't win.  Boy, did my cards stink tonight.

We had two full time rv'ers, like ourselves call us today. Art & Ginny are in Florida, parked at the beach with 80 degree sunny weather, and Vicky & Gary called from Casa Grande, Az.  We made plans with them to visit us  Wednesday.  It's going to be 75 here all week.  Just perfect for me.  

Yesterday I went to the library and borrowed two books and put two more on the waiting list.  When we are traveling I am not able to user a library, so when we get here, I have a list. Most of the camping resorts have a book exchange which is good, but they are usually not the latest reads. 

  Well kido's, gotta go now.  Have a happy day tomorrow.

Friday, January 2, 2004

Oatman, Arizona


Oatman is a small town  that sits on the western foothills off Kingman, Az.  The burros is what makes this town so unique.  Back in the early 1900 when the mines started to dry out, the miners packed up and left. Not needing the burros they were left behind to roam free.

Oatman is a fun place to authentic old western town with burros roaming the streets.   They are tame and can be hand fed, in fact they insist on it.  The general store thre sells bunches of carrots.  One women we saw went into the porta potty with her carrots in hand. Well so did the burros!  They were up against the door and she could not get out until someone else showed them more carrots.

Getting to Oatman is also memerable.  The drive can be a bit hairy but it's all part of the fun.  Great scenery and the solitude of the road are part of the expierence.  High in the mountains stop at one of the pullovers and look out over the valley.  It's so quiet you feel like you have to whisper.  It's a "must see" experience.

Thursday, January 1, 2004

No party for us.

I hope everyone had a good new years eve.  We were suppossed to go to a house party but Bob was sick.  He still is not himself today.  I can remember when we were very young, one of the children were sick on new years eve and we were not able to go out.  I thought at the time it was the worst thing that could happen to me.  I spent half the night feeling very sorry for myself..  Now, being much older and wiser, it's just not that important. 

I was cleaning  out some of my favorite things and found this site some of you might get a kick out of: - Links to the most interesting sites on the internet

The third one down is pretty  interesting, and stupid videos  are fun to watch.