Monday, January 9, 2006

What Goes Around, Comes Around

    Picture from Hometown Did you all read about that guy in New Mexico who found a mouse in his house.  So he decides to throw it in a pile of burning leaves he has going in his yard.   Now get this. the poor blazing mouse ran back to the man's house and set it on fire. The flames spread up and throughout the house.    No one was hurt inside, but the home and everthing in it was destroyed.  


Anonymous said...

Be kind to dumb animals Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

I guess he'll think twice about harming the mouse.  Goodness sakes, trap it and take somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Just found your journal from D's Designs comments.  Wow, you are traveling and around the USA!  That is pretty cool.  We aren't retired yet but I think the Nomad life sounds kind of fun, long as I have my piece or earth to come back to....although my husband wants to travel around in a boat!....I do like land...LOL

Anonymous said...

yep, i read this story, too ... but i have my doubts about it.    my experiences as a journalist are showing.

Anonymous said...

Now that's just too funny but so true -fair's fair - what goes around comes around, be careful what you ask for someone might hear you and you'll get it.  LOL
