Thursday, January 19, 2006

Out In The Cold

  Sorry I have not put in an entry in the last few days.  Here's my story, and yes I'm sticking to it.  We had an appointment to take our coach in to a front end specialist this past Monday, the 16th.  The problem is as we traveled along, Bob being a leg man, noticed  my upper leg bouncing, "not a lot" he says. Ya right, well how does that make me feel, having bouncing leg fat.  

 Anyway, come to find out  we need a new bell crank (controls the steering), tie rod ends, sway bar work, two new tires that were worn inside because of these other problems.  Yikes.  So here it is Thursday night and we are still here at the repair shop.  Everyone goes home and five  and lock us in.  Not really, we have a key to get out when we want to. Every night  we are told the part will be in and "we'll have you fixed up by noon."  

 Maggie, our half an ear cat,  has a new found  tolerance to the  noisy environment.  Some of you might not remember that we just got Maggie before Christmas from the Humane Society.   So she had never been in the coach when we were on the road.  She was not a happy camper when she heard the engine start and she does not appreciate our traveling home.  She came out from hiding four hours after we stopped.  We will make a traveling cat out of her yet.

  When and if we ever leave here, we are taking a trip down to San Diego to see the famous San Diego Zoo.  We also want to dip our toes in the Pacific ocean, which we have never seen either.  I'm sure we will find something else to explore once we ever get there. 

  Good night friends, we'll stay in touch. 

 PS   Update.  The part is in but guess what, it's the wrong part.    


Anonymous said...

Great to hear you are on the move again.  Never thought about when your home needs to go to the repair shop you have to go too.  Hope this does not happen to often.  Happy traveling once the part comes in Love Joan.  Dip a toe in for me.

Anonymous said...

Geez what a mess.. But like you said it's your story and you're stickin' to it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are having problems!!! I went to the pacific ocean and put my toes in it in Oregon..... I didn't leave them in too long!! The water was freezing and this was in July!!!! It's not like it is on the east coast!!! Hope the rest of your trip goes well!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope the bill doesen't cost too much!

Anonymous said...

You guys are living at the repair shop?? LOL Oh no! I hope they get you fixed up soon! I highly recommend the San Diego Zoo. Great place! The Monteray Bay Aquarium is really great too!

Anonymous said...

ok, so I'll pass on the camping at the repair shop! lol