Monday, January 2, 2006

The New Year Begins

Well I don"t know about you , but I'm glad to take down the Christmas decorations and look forward to a new year,  I'm guaranteed to have money in my pocket, because I put out my jar of money!   Unlike" bosoxblue6993w" who had his jar stolen!    Now  who would steal from him?  I think he was kidding with me, his lost, can't say I didn't give advance warning.   

                                                   Picture from Hometown      I read my hometown newspaper online today, "The Salem News."  It seems that Beverly had First Night and it was a huge success.  It seems that they had an enthusiastic crowd, an extraordinary colorful parade, a Christmas card snowfall and 300 beach balls.  The beach ball connection is that Beverly is on the ocean.  Beverly does not have a Tiffany ball like New York City, but the count down to the new year was just as exciting.  At exactly midnight, a giant beach ball, labeled 2006 was flung from the roof of the local bank, followed by 300 smaller beach balls, of every color, red, blue, yellow, falling with the snow.                    


Anonymous said...

That sounded lide a different way to celebrate the new year. Hope you had alovely time Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

The beach ball thing sounds like good fun.

Yes, I amglad to have the Christmas stuff down and packed away.  Deep breath and on to a new year.  

Anonymous said...

I put out my jar...let's see what happens.
Happy New year!!!

Anonymous said...

in Revere they throw a candlepin bowling ball off the roof of Anna's Pizza