Sunday, January 29, 2006

San Diego

  We finally are in San Diego.   The drive in itself was an experience for us,  being flat-landers our entire life.   There were many truck grades and long pulls upward.  Bob and I and the coach handled them all well.  We traveled on I-8 and soon came up to the Imperial Dunes Recreatation Area.  Pure white sand dunes with four wheelers going every which way.  Fun to watch.   

Does any one remember "Chips" TV show years ago?  Well we saw them on the highway and  also lots of Border Patrol cars cruising along.  

Within a few miles from the sand dunes we came across a very healthy farm crop.  The soil was dark and rich looking, and it was being picked.  

 At 11AM we were below sea level and shortly after that we were at an elevation of 4190 feet.   There were many signs warning of gusty winds, but we were not bother by any of them.   At the very top of the mountain in Alpine, there is the "Golden Acorn Casino", which we visited later.  

Today, Sunday we took a tour around the city of San Diego.  We are staying 15 minutes away.  We were gone all day as there was a lot to see.    

 One of the first things we saw was the Star of India ship and the Midway Aircraft with a history that spans the end of WWII and Desert Storm in which more than 225,000 Americans took part in.   The Star of India is a magnificent ship and is the world's oldest active ship, 1863. Next we came across the "Butcher Boy", the oldest yacht in San Diego,  a gaff-rigged centerboard sloop.  This sloop was rediscovered by the Maritime Museum in 1971 and restored her to her original appearance.  She celebrated her 100th birthday by sailing in the San Diego Bay.  

Next we drove over the San Diego/ Coronado Bay Bridge.  This has a spectacular view from the top.  The bridge is two and a half miles long It has  headroom of 200  feet, so that the tallest ships can pass beneath it.   This $50 million bridge was built in 1967.     

 For some reason or another I can't put in any pictures.   I might be because of the slow connect I am working with our cell phone.  

Low battery, gotta go.


Anonymous said...

Gosh!!! It sounds so interesting... hope you can post pictures soon!! Take care!!!

Anonymous said...

I really like #7.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures and interesting entry really enjoyed reading it.  So nice to see some sunshine its been a long time since we have had any. At least January has gone.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

ok, now I am so jealous I could just spit....momma said it was impolite for a lady to spit though! lol I need water, I need a beach, I need the's cold in chicago! lol