Sunday, April 24, 2005


We are just gluttons for punishment.    We were sucked in again  by the Vegas glimmer and by greed to win piles and piles of money.  Instead we got a kick in the butt and a so-so dinner.  Oh well, you know the old saying "unlucky in cards, lucky in love," well that's us.

I took a few pictures going in from the car and then forgot the camera in the car when we parked.  I just couldn't wait to make my contribution!

Take care of each.


Anonymous said...

Oh man I am jealous! I love love Las Vegas. What a blast! It's less painful if you go with mad money that you resign yourself to losing. Then quit once it's gone. LOL But always have that glimmer of hope that you'll hit the big one. I hit $1,000 on one of those giant novelty slot machines and it paid for our trip. Fun stuff!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your journal--Mary

Anonymous said...

Hey I forgot about your site, this is fun to see...I will figure out how to send you some pics. Have fun!!! Take care, Love Wendy :)

Anonymous said...

You deserve that punishment---never are you to gamble without picking me up first---then between the two of us, we can cry in our "Long Island Ice Tea's" as we both lose. I thought I had done a better job, teaching you these values !!!!!!!!
Be safe---travel well, & know my love is with the two of you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, have a safe journey, love your journals..I get a new knee on June   love pearl & gus

Anonymous said...

Your living for the rest of us Kid, keep up the good work.
Love Ya. John E.

Anonymous said...

Vegas....the magic city.  Wow those gas prices were win it they take it. LOL  Have fun but don't forget to get plugged into us out here in J-Land.
