Saturday, April 9, 2005

This and That

I'm back from the dentist and I am all done with them for a while hopefully.  In spite of where we were going we had a fun two days away, but now we have to play catch up.  If all goes according to plan we will be leaving here next Sunday for six months of travel.  We have been lax on keeping the cabinets organized and leaving appliances on counters and such.  Now we must pay the fiddler as the saying goes. We still have a few things to do on our list.  We need to have blood tests done, repack the basement, put the car hitch on the car, and last minute lunches with friends. 

   Our friends Mary and Chuck are leaving in the morning for MN.  Inez is leaving Thursday for VT, as have other friends  left for IN. and Michigan. Most of the Canadians have also already left for home.  The pool and the pool room are almost empty now most of the time.  

 I took a few pictures on the way to Mexico the other day from the car.  Didn't come out bad considering.  

 Arizona has rubberized asphalt pavement on some of their roads and is adding more as we speak.  I love them!  They are so quiet!  Arizona is spending  $34 million in the next three years on this type of road.  Seems to me a great way of using up old worn out tires. Recycling make sense to me.  It is said also to give smoother rides and handles better in rainy weather.  

 Have a good day and you all stay out of trouble.    Later.


Anonymous said...

I always enjoy your pics, they are so pretty!  I can't wait to see what your next adventure will be.  Have a wonderful time!!!

Anonymous said...

6 months of travel....  how fun!  

Anonymous said...

So where haven't you been in the US yet?

Anonymous said...

There are two states that we have not been to yet, Oregon and Washington.    Dawn