Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Have A Good Day

I'm sick tonight with a bad cold or allergies.  Don't know which one but my nose and eyes are constantly running.  Probably more than you wanted to know.  But anyway.    That cute little rabbit in the first picture is no afraid of anyone.  He visits several times a day and naws on our rug it.  If Bob catches him he will get a size 9, you know where.  The rug was new when we got here in October, now it's junk.  Bob took it to the trash today and Mr. Rabbit is looking for it.  He's been sitting there most of the day.  

We are going to Mexico early tomorrow morning to finish up my dental work and will be back Thursday night.  Take care of each other.  Love to you all.


Anonymous said...

Seeing the pictures reminds of the Christmases we'd spend in Phoenix every year.  Love it!  I hope everything goes great with the dentist.  

Anonymous said...

Aww! The bunny has probably been stealing your rug fibers for it's nest. LOL Maybe your rug is now a cozy bed for baby bunnies? ;-)
Good luck at the dentist!

Anonymous said...


I hope your feel better soon. As far as the rabbit, have you ever considered the "roast over an open fire" option.
Taste like chicken : )
PS. I have been so busy trying to get my sailboat ready for the season that sadly, I have neglected my journal. I'll be back ...take care.