Saturday, April 2, 2005

Odds and Ends

  Hey Everyone...I've been busy the last few days.  We had to replace the water heater,  fitted for new glasses, ordered new sheets and puff, went to the movies and went to Bingo. 

   The cactus are really starting to bloom now and there are beautiful.  If I have time tomorrow, I'll snap some pictures.  

 We are saying good-by daily to friends that are heading home for the summer, and looking forward to seeing them again in the fall.  

 The Minutemen are coming to Arizona.  They are called by some vigilantes, gun nuts or crackpots in camouflage.  Others call them fairly effective.  I see that both sides make some sense. With the announcement that they were coming, Arizona was suddenly getting 534 more Border Patrol agents and 23 aircraft to patrol the boarder.  Sounds pretty effective to me. 

  Please keep the Pope in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Hi hon. I'm looking forward to the pictures. I love Cactus. Enjoy your weekend.
Hugs, love & prayers.  *Barb*

Anonymous said...

My name is Donna. I loved your all about me bio. You are living my dream life!! Mark and I have been dreaming about doing the very same thing one of these days...and now "one of these days are almost here." Our children are 22 and 19. Our son who is 22 has been out on his own for a while. He has a new baby Ü and a to be wife in June. So I am a first time grandma to my beautiful angel Sarah, who is just now 6 months old. Our daughter Brittany is Graduating May 14th! I have home schooled her almost her whole life, so I am really looking forward to seeing her walk. I know she will stay home till her and Kenton "her Fiance" get married. But after that Mark and I want to own a motor home and travel Ü. As you said at the bottom of your bio "Life doesn't get much better than this." Ü

I love cactus and their pretty blooms, I look forward to seeing the pictures.

When you said the Minutemen are coming it sounded scary, but life is getting scarier all the time, so somehow this all seems so normal? I know every generation has it's good and bad, but the 1950's sure sound good about now lol. Sorry you are having to say good bye to old friends.
I look forward to hearing more about your daily adventures on this road called life.


Anonymous said...

sheets and a "puff" WOW! I haven't heard that expression "puff" in ages! Everyone around here calls it a comforter. Love it! You sent my mind home to Massachusetts for a minute there. :-)

Anonymous said...

Cactus want to see pictures of cactus flowers.  LOL  Heading for Texas Thursday....out behind son's house is a big pasture with catcus-prickly-pear...will I see those flowers before yours?  Not!
