Thursday, April 28, 2005

I-15 From Arizona to Utah

Today, Wednesday, we drove on one of the most scenic roads we have been on.  I 15 north from Arizona to Utah.   A small section as highway goes but so beautiful.

The weather is cooler here than we have been in since I don't remember when.  As  I type this my eyes wander upward toward  our front window
and see the  snow covered mountain towering over us.

The above pictures were taken while we were driving along, but the scenery was so nice I thought you might like to see them anyway.

Stay safe, take care of each other.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

It's a Small World

It's a small world after all.  Yesterday we took a cruise  around Lake Mead on  a Mississippi River-style paddleboat.  The weather was wonderful with bright sunshine, lovely blue skies and big fluffy white clouds.  It was there  we met two different couples from Massachusetts, one from Attleboro and the other from our home town Beverly.   How about that!  

Lake Mead  has 550 miles of shoreline.  We didn't see it all but had a nice afternoon.  We went down as far as the Hoover Dam and returned.  After a while the Attleboro chick and I went  up to the bridge and tried our hands at steering the boat.  We had a lovely talk with the Captain while our guys basted in the sun.     

Be kind to each other.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


We are just gluttons for punishment.    We were sucked in again  by the Vegas glimmer and by greed to win piles and piles of money.  Instead we got a kick in the butt and a so-so dinner.  Oh well, you know the old saying "unlucky in cards, lucky in love," well that's us.

I took a few pictures going in from the car and then forgot the camera in the car when we parked.  I just couldn't wait to make my contribution!

Take care of each.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Lake Mead, NV.

Friday, April 22.   We are just outside of Vegas in Boulder City.   The drive here was highway 95.  The road for the most part was isolated, very dippy, and lovely scenery of desert flowers and mountains.  The faraway mountains were still snow covered.
For the last two hours traveling we saw hundreds of motorcyclists, all kinds from Harleys to what I call make believe motorcycles and some had sidecars.  We found out later they were all going to The River Walk Rally in Laughlin.  They expect 70,000 bikers.

Saturday the 23rd.   We  visited Lake Mead today.  We had been there before remembering the park as eye candy in every direction, and today's trip did not disappoint us.  

Lake Mead is a National Recreation Area, offering tons of things to do  year round.  It's huge lakes cater to boaters, swimmers, sunbathers and fisherman.  If water is not your thing how about hiking, photographers and just roadside sightseeing.   If you are into plants, this seemingly barren area contains a large variety of plants and animals, some of which may be found nowhere else on earth.  They have a very educational visitors center with many displays of interest to children of all ages, including me.

Besides all this, we were surprised to find out you could purchase a park model on grounds and live there for 180 days. 
The camping area is primitive offering no hookups, but  that didn't seem to bother anyone here today. 

There are several marinas here, one offering Lake Mead cruises up to the Hoover Dam.   Hopefully in the next few days we will take that cruise.   

Thursday, April 21, 2005

We're Off

We're leaving Arizona today for our six months on the road.  I will check in as often as possible.  Tonight we'll be in Blythe CA. and Friday we plan to be in Boulder City, NV. about 10 miles from Vegas.    Catch you all down the road.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Great Cardboard Regatta

  Yesterday  we went to The Great Cardboard Regatta in Tempe, AZ.   The object is to construct a cardboard boat that will not only float by itself but will also hold two people.  These two people had 15 minutes to complete as many laps as possible before sinking or running out of time.  The boats were human-powered from within the boat.   Each boat was made from 1/4 inch corrugated cardboard and water soluble glue, such as Elmer's.    If you have never seen one of these races, you should.  They are fun to watch.    
  • Race winners in various classes, youth, human powered. etc.,
  • The People's Choice Award for the boat most popular with the public,
  • Pride of the Regatta, Vogue, Best Dressed, Team Spirit
  • And of course, the Titanic Award
  •   It was really fun to watch the children's division all under 14.  Too lots of pictures. Hope you like them.   By the way, the weather is in the high ninety's.  Time to get out of here!

    Where We Will Spend our Refund!

    Picture from Hometown
























    Wednesday, April 13, 2005

    Tax Time Is Near

     As income tax time approaches,
    did you  ever notice:
    When you put the two words
    "The" and "IRS"  together
    it spells
    "THEIRS"?     Picture from Hometown

    Saturday, April 9, 2005

    This and That

    I'm back from the dentist and I am all done with them for a while hopefully.  In spite of where we were going we had a fun two days away, but now we have to play catch up.  If all goes according to plan we will be leaving here next Sunday for six months of travel.  We have been lax on keeping the cabinets organized and leaving appliances on counters and such.  Now we must pay the fiddler as the saying goes. We still have a few things to do on our list.  We need to have blood tests done, repack the basement, put the car hitch on the car, and last minute lunches with friends. 

       Our friends Mary and Chuck are leaving in the morning for MN.  Inez is leaving Thursday for VT, as have other friends  left for IN. and Michigan. Most of the Canadians have also already left for home.  The pool and the pool room are almost empty now most of the time.  

     I took a few pictures on the way to Mexico the other day from the car.  Didn't come out bad considering.  

     Arizona has rubberized asphalt pavement on some of their roads and is adding more as we speak.  I love them!  They are so quiet!  Arizona is spending  $34 million in the next three years on this type of road.  Seems to me a great way of using up old worn out tires. Recycling make sense to me.  It is said also to give smoother rides and handles better in rainy weather.  

     Have a good day and you all stay out of trouble.    Later.

    Tuesday, April 5, 2005

    Have A Good Day

    I'm sick tonight with a bad cold or allergies.  Don't know which one but my nose and eyes are constantly running.  Probably more than you wanted to know.  But anyway.    That cute little rabbit in the first picture is no afraid of anyone.  He visits several times a day and naws on our rug it.  If Bob catches him he will get a size 9, you know where.  The rug was new when we got here in October, now it's junk.  Bob took it to the trash today and Mr. Rabbit is looking for it.  He's been sitting there most of the day.  

    We are going to Mexico early tomorrow morning to finish up my dental work and will be back Thursday night.  Take care of each other.  Love to you all.

    Sunday, April 3, 2005

    JOHN PAUL II 1920-2005

    Picture from Hometown   Pope John Paul II will be remembered as a strong-willed, energetic religious leader who left a profound mark on both the Roman Catholic church and world history.  He is now with his loving father.

    Saturday, April 2, 2005

    Odds and Ends

      Hey Everyone...I've been busy the last few days.  We had to replace the water heater,  fitted for new glasses, ordered new sheets and puff, went to the movies and went to Bingo. 

       The cactus are really starting to bloom now and there are beautiful.  If I have time tomorrow, I'll snap some pictures.  

     We are saying good-by daily to friends that are heading home for the summer, and looking forward to seeing them again in the fall.  

     The Minutemen are coming to Arizona.  They are called by some vigilantes, gun nuts or crackpots in camouflage.  Others call them fairly effective.  I see that both sides make some sense. With the announcement that they were coming, Arizona was suddenly getting 534 more Border Patrol agents and 23 aircraft to patrol the boarder.  Sounds pretty effective to me. 

      Please keep the Pope in your prayers.