Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year

First of all we would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year.  It's hard to believe that it is going to be 2005.  How many times in the next few days will we write 2004? Bob and I have been reflecting on the past five years in our lives; so much has happened, we have grown and experienced wonderful opportunities to travel, meet and make so many interesting friends who made us laugh, learn, and live life to the fullest.  This is not to say that we don't miss our old friends and family.  We cry with each good bye.  But we believe that life for us should be a journey and our experiences of the past and the future will help us grow and enjoy the time we are given.   A custom that I always did and will do tonight is put some money in a bottle and leave it out by your door.  The theory is that you will have enough money in the coming year.  Hope it works again.   Another good custom in the past hundred years or so for people to celebrate the first few minutes of the New Year in the company of friends and family, laughing and showering each other with hugs and kisses.   This is to me the best tradition of all.    The most popular customfor  New Years is that each of us feels the need to improve something about ourselves.  I am not a big resolution person, as I usually vow to lose all my unwanted weight and be a Sports Illustrated model.  Well now I'm so old I have come to know that this will never happen, but I stillwould like to lose some weight someday!   I just want to take a moment and wish you all the best and most wonderful 2005!  Thank you for visiting my journal and sharing last year with me.  May every moment of the new year be filled with joy and prosperity.  I'm so thankful I've gotton to know you this year.,,16961_rs,00.swf

  My cup runneth over, I thank Thee, lord, each day.  As we enter the new year, think about your life.  The days slip by so quickly.  Live your life, not just getting through them.    Store up memories or yourself and those you love,  and don't work just  to attain things while letting go of relationships and sacrificing those you love.  Take stock and consider that life is short.   Wishing you all a Happy New Year this year and every year.       Dawn


Anonymous said...

Wonderful entry. Wishing you and your husband all the best. We all have so much to be grateful for, don't we? Happy New Year, dear one. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

Even though I am under the weather, I had to stop by and wish you and your hubby a Very Happy New Year Dawn!!
I  too am very happy to have met you, and look forward to getting to know you better in 2005!!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to both of you.  I hope you have a fun-filled 2005.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

happy new year dawn!  hope it is bright and filled with new adventures!