Monday, December 13, 2004

Odd and Ends

Hi Everyone,      Today all Christmas cards were put in the mail and all Christmas packages have been mailed.  What a relief off of my poor old mind.  Every year I tell myself I will send gift certificates next year, but then I go ahead and screw up again.  Sometimes mailing of gifts cost as much as the gift to mail.  Holy Smoly.  I also finished one of those fun fur scarfs for a friend's granddaughter (  my friend doesn't knit), another thing off my list. 

We all also done decorating and are now free to enjoy the season.

  Did anyone watch Trading Spouses tonight?   I love that show.  It's pretty funny.    

 I spent this evening looking for an  afghan pattern that I know I copied last year from the Internet.  It was a nice Irish fisherman pattern. One would think I  had lots of rooms to lose my stuff in. LOL    I guess it tells you something about me, unorganized.  

   Did anyone see the Q~Creative Advent Calendar today.   It has a recipe for Swedish Glogg.  I'll tell you one thing, when the snow is blowing and the temperatures go below freezing, hot Glogg will warm you up in a hurry.  When we lived in Massachusetts some of us would get together at Lynch Park on New Year's Day and take a very quick dunk in the ocean and the only thing that made life worth living after that is a warming drink of  Glogg.  One of the psychs used to make a batch every year.  Mumm Mumm Good, just like a Cambell soup commericial. 2004 Advent Calendar Presented by Q-Creative Multimedia


Anonymous said...

The Glogg sounds yummy. I must go and check it out.

THanks for sharing the goodies with us.

Anonymous said...

Someone else mentioned the Swedish Glogg. I'll have to check it out. So happy to hear you are done with everything. Now comes the fun part. Happy Holidays.

Anonymous said...

I love Trading Spouses! Such a hoot! The families they find...they are almost cartoonish extremes. The drama is so great!