Saturday, December 18, 2004

Hand Painting

Isn't this just amazing?   I just had to show these hands to you all.  Happy Saturday!


Anonymous said...

Tagalong is here
and hear this my weeping
for and of a symbol
whos inward flight
for all injustices ever
o,consume me always and forever
there of
each wingless wing
of this our nations very symbol..
hannahthemaid..or tagalong angel

Anonymous said...

Awesome. Thanks for sharing this. Will have to show it to my husband and son.
Merry Christmas. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

That is very cool.  I will have to show that to some folks.  Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Awesome hand painting. If I'd had it done, I'd be wrapping my hand in a plastic bag and never letting water touch it!  LOL
