Saturday, October 30, 2004

An intresting Salem message board.


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Salem Guide


For years Bob and I celebrated Halloween in Salem Massachusetts, the home of the Haunted Happenings.  People visit here from all over the country to the bewitching seaport, for three weeks of celebration.     The Salem Witch museum  deals with the Witch Hysteria of 1692, as  witchs are a big attraction here, as well as goblins and ghosts.   Another fun take is the Vampire and Ghost Tour with a ghost hunter and supernatual expert.  Visitors are encouraged to bring camera to take their own ghost pictures.  Many people have had strange and terrifying encounters with ghost on this tour, including fainting, crying, and all sorts of spooky things.   Haunted  Happenings will keep you entertained 24 hours a day with  activities for adults and children with food festivals, pumkin contest of all sorts, pie eating, psychic fairs, intriguing shops,  and just people watching.   This happening draws an interesting group of people.  As the big day arrives people tend to wear costumes everywhere.  This sight alone is worth the trip.   On Halloween night the party finishes off with a costumed ball or better know as the Witches Ball.  Witchs and Warlords come from everywhere to attend.  There is always a crowd near the ball entrance to see all the unusual costumes.    Laurie Cabot is the self proclaimed city's official witch.  She operates a small shop selling all types of potions and spells kits.   Below is Laurie's witch shop.  


 An intresting Salem message board.  


Anonymous said...

I have never been to Salem but I have watched documentaries about its history.  Some day I may get there.  It seems like a fascinating place and I bet Halloween is the best time to visit.

Anonymous said...

**Good Morning and happy HALLOWEEN, I think it was on coast to coast I read that all those witches were pardoned and there were hundreds of women and children that were accused of witchcraft.  I guess it was a easy way to get rid of an unwanted wife! Thank you for the link, now I'll get reading lol. Take care.