Wednesday, October 20, 2004

And GOD said " Let the curse be lifted".

The Curse

The curse has been broken, The Red Sox beat the N.Y. Yankees  10-3.

  Boston knows how to pahty ( party) and I wish I were there tonight. The lobstahs (lobsters)  are in the pot, the pahty plattas ( platters) have been orded ( ordered) and the beah (beer) has been picked up at the packie ( package store)   Let the pahties begin.   

  We are going to the Word Series.   Yaaaaaaaa


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Pissah! The Sawx are wicked awesome! :-)   -B

Anonymous said...

I am happy for you.  But I must say, Pam is very upset as she is a die-hard Yankees fan.  I know you had a great time celebrating the win!

Anonymous said...

He came to California to live in the land of the Dodgers and Angels and talks of nothing but the Red Sox.  Life in our house has never been so full of joy.  Thank goodness the Red Sox brought the victory to home plate.  His life may just yet be complete!!!  The party has begun!!!!!!!!!!!!!    Penny