Saturday, October 16, 2004

Back in Good Life

   Ahhh,  we are  back  in Mesa AZ. for the winter and so happy to be here.  The temperature is in the 90's with a cold front promised in a few days to brings us to a chilling 80's !!!

  It's great fun meeting up with our winter friends Mary , Chuck, Inez, both of them and Orbie.   Within the next  two or three weeks, the population will increase 60%.  After the holidays, everyone will be back.  There is a family connection here and each arriving guest is greeted with hugs and welcome backs. " Glad to see you " is heard all over the park.  

 Nov. 1st all the activities will be in full force and we will all be off and running to our favorite programs.  I enjoy the crafts, swimming, playing pool, the shows and card playing.   Pretty much everyone here volunteers for something.  I am assistant to the cribbage group and work the Saturday breakfast. This year I will also be collecting  tickets taken at some of the  activities.  

When I think of Arizona I think of saguaro cactus, the canyons, good friends, a busy calendar and Mexican food that will, as the paper said today, that will burn your socks off.  

 Red Sox game rained out last night.   Boo Hoo.  

Have a good weekend.   


Anonymous said...

Oh boy, let the fun begin.  I remember the great times you told us about last year.  Can't wait to see the pics of this year's festivities.

Anonymous said...

Mom and I are heading your way.  We will be in Benson, AZ Nov 18 thru Dec 1.  Maybe we can drive up and meet the both of you.  It is just to cold up here in Missouri.  Judi