Sunday, May 27, 2007

Please pray for

Lahoma, of  Lahoma's Laments could use your support right now.   Tuesday she is going into the hospital for treatment for myeloid dysplasia.  She will be in a hospital many hours from home, which will mean she will be alone there..  Please send her emails of encouragement or visit her journal. She is a great gal with a wonderful sense of humor.  Prayers will be appreciated.  Her email address is  Thanks,

Friday, May 25, 2007

Hope This Entry Looks Better!

I bet you don't know what today is.  Well,I won't keep you guessing.  Today Bob and I are celebrating our 49th wedding annaversary.   I just can't believe how fast the time has past.   He is still my main man, and  I am so happy that we found ech other.     Have a good day all, we will!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Geez guys,  I don't know what happened to the previous entry.   Maybe I am still a little crazy!!  Is anyone else having this problem.  I have gone and lost my "edit entry" button. If  anyone sees it, please let me know.  I know I had it yesterday.

No Longer Crazy!

  We arrived in Indiana today and will be here for the next eleven days.   We were able to make reservations a couple of weeks ago, long enough to get through the holiday weekend. 
Thanks  for all the well wishes for Bob.  He's doing great, in fact TIA's are less frequent and don't last very long, just like the doctors had told us.  Praise God.
I'll make this a short entry as we have to go out.  Catch you all later.  Have a good day.


Monday, May 21, 2007

Going Crazy

Almost a week without a Internet connection and I am going crazy.     I know probably half of you don't believe me and the half that know me, are thinking "She always has been a little daffy." 
Before that I had problems with AOL and lost all my favorites, and trust me I was really upset with that.  I know have to find as many as I can.  This sinks!  I hope you will forgive me and I will catch up with Journal reading as soon as I can.
Today is Friday and I am writing this in advance of having a connection.  We are moving from  this beautiful Georgia park Sunday, going to Knoxville for a couple of days and then into Indiana.  We are hoping Knoxville has Wi-Fi.
Bob has been in the hospital for a few days, but released this afternoon with a clean bill of health.  It appears he had a TIA or a shortage of oxygen to the brain.  He has had TIA's before so they changed his medicine with one that will decrease either problem.  We will have a follow up with our own Doctor in Massachusetts.
While Bob was in the hospital, we were registered on a particular site for a limited number of days.  It was time for us to leave and the park had a reservation for our site  the same day as we were supposed to leave.  Our  friends, Art & Ginny, who live in Atlanta came in and moved our coach and set it up on another site, while Bob was still in the hospital. At  times like this we are so grateful to have great friends.  How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it.  Thanks guys.
Saturday May 19....  Back to the hospital this morning.  Bob as had another TIA.  The doctors feel that the new med he is on will stop these in a week or so.  So they told him if he gets more and they are no worse than the ones he is having now, he doesn't need to come back unless he has more symptoms leading to a stroke.  This is so scary.
Tonight  his face on the left side is numb again.  We are trying to remain calm.  What makes it worse is that we are in a park that locks the gate at 10:30. 
Monday,  May 21st.   Finally we have Wi-Fi for a day or so.  Leaving  tomorrow.  Hopefully we will be settled in by Wednesday for 10 days or so.   Gotta run.  More later.  Take care of yourself.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

"The Sea Was Angry That Day, My Friends"

Daytona, Florida
ALERT 1 - Coastal Flood Warning
Issue Time: 4:12PM EDT, Tuesday May 8, 2007
Valid Until: 4:00AM EDT, Wednesday May 9, 2007

Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Melbourne FL 412 PM EDT Tue May 8 2007
es in

Sunday, May 6, 2007


Well, it's been a while, but Bob and I are still wandering around.   Sorry it took so long to come back to J-Land.   I will try to do better! LOL    
We left Arizona in November as my dearest friend's husband was very ill and we thought  we would like to be closer to her and her family.  Carol and I are like blood sisters, who will remain friends forever, as we know to much about each other.  LOL   As we are making our summer plans, we have to face the fact that Michael, Carol's husband, and our friend will not be there.  For the past six years we stay at Carol's in our motorhome, and rituals have been formed.  Mike and Bob always share their morning coffee outside under the awning, joking and settling the worlds problems.  It was something they both enjoyed doing.  Mike was a quiet and unassuming man, a good father, grandfather, husband and friend.  We will miss him.
Currently we are in Ormond Beach, Florida.  We are about seven miles from the Flagler/Volusia fire that has been burning for about a week.  The smoke at  times is over powering, depending on which way the wind is blowing.  To make matters worse, today we had heavy thunder storms and  hail.  Hopefully the rain will slow down the fires.
We have spent the winter months in Florida and have had a grand time in Bakers Acres in Zephyrhills.  There are 250 RV resorts in Zephyrhills.  That means many seniors and many buffets. LOL Just like on the Steinfeld show, early bird specials!  
Zephyrhills is just north of Tampa and just a day trip to Disney or Bush Gardens.  Good location to see lots of things and just to play around.  The park that we stayed in is an extremely friendly park, with enough activities to keep one busy. 
It's getting late , so I will say Good Night  for now.