Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks.

Picture from Hometown

The Pilgrims came across the sea,

And never thought of you and me;

And yet it's very strange the way

We think of them Thanksgiving day.


We tell their story, old and true

Of how they sailed across the blue,

And found a new land to be free

And built their homes quite near the sea.


Every child knows well the tale

Of how they bravely turned the sail

And journeyed many a day and night,

To worship God as they thought right.

-Author Unknown


Anonymous said...

That was nice, I hope you have a wonderful Thankgiving.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!!

Anonymous said...

That was lovely Dawn. Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving Day!

Anonymous said...

Have a happy Thanksgiving, Dawn


Anonymous said...

Thats cute...Happy Thanksgiving! :o)

Anonymous said...

Dawn this is adorable - thank you for sharing it.  Hope your somewhere with folks you enjoy being around to celebrate this Thanksgiving with.  As you know we are up here in Rochester, Minnesota - they say the coldest place in the world, but you would know better than I where the coldest places in the USA is.  But hark, we are at my Sons and his wife's home and have two grandchildren here so soon I will hit the hay so I can get up early and help my daughter-in-law with putting together our Thanksgiving feast.  

Blessing to you two Nomads

Marlene - A Poets Point of View

Anonymous said...

Lovely poem Dawn.  Have a lovely day with your friends.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Very, very nice!  

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I hope your Thanksgiving was as good as mine was. Now I need to avoid eating for a week...that is, after desert.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that sweet poem!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Hope you folks had a nice Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

We don't do thanksgiving in the UK, a pity!