Sunday, November 12, 2006

Thank you Thank you Thank you

Thank you   Thank you    Thank you
With the last entry I was of course a little dissapointed that this mistake had been made.  But now, after receiving so many emails and comments I feel uplifted , for I have received an award from each of you.  You guys have made my week.    So out of this unfortunate situation,  and  I'm sitting on top of the pile.  Thanks for your understanding comments.  I just love you guys.       Dawn
Currently in Benson, Arizona


Anonymous said...

You are almost "Home" to Mesa, will you miss the traveling, or are you ready to be in one place for awhile?

Anonymous said...

I am here once again to say i thank you for always being here for all of us that cannot ever be either here nor you so always are.. for you are the very eyes and ears and the very heartbeat of our America..

Anonymous said...

Glad you got such a good response Dawn. I am not surprised. Keep writing about your travels.

Anonymous said...

And we love ya right back!


Anonymous said...

((((hugs))) & Kisses!! You're the Queen of the road my lady! :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you have a better outlook on things now.  Good to see you smiling again...or at least I imagine a big smile on your face.


Anonymous said...

So good to see you are feeling on top of it all, as you should!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

This is my first time to really look into your journal.  Some may have voted who had not visited all the travel journals. I didn't vote on that category as I had not got around to all of them.  From what I see here I think you have some travel journal!  Gerry  

Anonymous said...

I am SOOOO glad this was all worked deserved this win!!!!!