Friday, November 10, 2006

Thanks, But no Thanks

Thanks you so much for the comments offering congratulations and the emails.  While I really would have loved to win this, I feel I cannot accept it.  This morning I received this email :
Due to an error on my part, I inadvertently allowed a 'private' journal into the "Travel" category.  If this person had not won, your journal would have.  So, to be fair, I hope you will first of all accept my apology for this error, and do Chris and I the honor of accepting the award for "Best Travel Journal."  Now, while I am not going to take away the award that was given to the journal "Welcome to my Travels" (as it was  not her fault, but mine), I would hope that you will accept my apology along with the award for "Best Travel Journal" as the true winner of this accolade.  Had the other journal not been in this category you would have been the original winner.
Again.. I apologize sincerely for this error.
Please go here: 2006 VIVI AWARD JOURNAL  and read the latest entry.  I have also added your name to the list of winners.
 This is a copy of the email I sent to Jackie.
While I really would have loved to win this, I feel I cannot accept it.
After reading Jeannette's, Welcome to my Travels,  journal, which I enjoyed reading, but it is not  by any standard a travel journal and for me to take second place is not a fair  adjustament.   I read the journal back a month and there were four entries on the plane and car museum, two entries on her cat's birthday, a color test, and an entry on her work and Jane and a doctors note.  A travel journal tells of places visited and hopefully of interest to others.
I do accept your apology and appreciate all the hard work you have done, but I just can't accept second place to a non travel journal.       Dawn


Anonymous said...

I hear ya!   I admire your strength to stand up for what you feel is right.
You're a real winner to me.

nancy :)

Anonymous said...

I have followed this endless journey of yours since the beginning..seen seasons come and go
saw America through those eyes and that endlessly held pen of your very own
traveled inside of all places of what makes this America all that it is just so only all about
you have one of the greatest travel JOURNALS ever..held here yes here in between these covers of what our America is just so only always all about.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! That was some statement! I bet she was the first choice for a vote?? Keep up your journal!

Anonymous said...

I do admire you strength in standing up for yourself! And this is just in my opinion...I do agree with you as to what a travel journal really is.

Anonymous said...

You're the best travel journal I've seen or read so you're still the winner in my eyes. LOL

Love, Lahoma

Anonymous said...

You are my first place travel journal! Thanks for sharing your real travels with us!!
Be safe!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your Jounal , i sure wish i could Travel the places you have .
You have my vote ...   Keep on sharing ...

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your Jounal , i sure wish i could Travel the places you have .
You have my vote ...   Keep on sharing ...

Anonymous said...

Aaawww Dawn, I'm sorry.  I wish there was something I could say.  I love reading about your travels... and seeing your pictures.
Keep it up!!!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I'm sorry you feel this way about the Vivi's.  Mistake or not, you have an outstanding journal and one that I enjoy well as many other do apparently.  Whether you decide to accept the award or not is completely up to you, and I understand your reasoning behind it, but you should know that all of your hard work on your journal is recognized and appreciated.  Keep up all the good work here and know that the true award is those who are touched by what your write.


Anonymous said...

I do understand how you feel. You are the real and deserving winner of the travel journal award in my eyes. A private journal that is not about travel should not win this category. You always have my vote. Keep writing!

Anonymous said...

Yours is the only true travel journal I've read. Looking forward to reading more about your journey!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you feel you can not accept, but understand & respect your right to not do so. {{ }}
I am new to your journal, found it through the Vivi's.
Have a great weekend. :)
have several other journals...links are on my side bar

Anonymous said...

yours is easily one of the best journals out there ... TRAVEL or otherwise.     awards are irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

I agree and right to say so... I was watching the TV awards the other nights, and to be honest, the winners were not those who always deserved it; there were those who had most audience (money), only.
Keep going, we are reading and supporting.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I totally understand your reasoning, but I voted for you, dang it, so YOU WIN! (no disrespect to the other blogger).

Anonymous said...

You are the winner in my eyes, no matter what that person wrote. I voted for you and that makes you the best.LOL
Look at our government, it isn't how many votes, or the best person who wins, it is who plays the game best. I applaud your decision to not accept the award with its limitations.Sometimes standards are set by people who don't choose to right thier wrongs. It is too bad!

Anonymous said...

Your tops in my book and that will never change.  I just keep coming back and coming back to see what you're up to.



Anonymous said...

You will always be a winner to me!!  I love your journal!  Thanks for sharing with us "grounded types"!!  I would LOVE to live the life you are allowed to, and you are so generous to share with us!  HUGS!!!