Friday, December 1, 2006

So Long For Now

Picture from Hometown
We are now back  in Mesa Az.    The weather is warm and friends of ours are arriving daily.   Soon the 1156 sites will be, I will guess, at three quarter full.  The activitity calandar has been posted and everyone is eager to sign up for their favorite things.   Bob will be golfing Tuesday and Fridays.  Sunday nights I co-chair the cribbage group,  Mondays is a free day for us, meting friends for lunch, shopping house cleaning or whatever.  Tuesday night we play Mexican Train at the center, Wednesday is knitting and ladies poker, and music entertainment.  Friday night is Bingo.
In the past we usually spend 5 or 6 months here, but I don't think we will this year.  We absolutely love  being in Arizona but it is so far from family and friends.  It's difficult when  or if we need family or they need us, being here.   Perhaps we should winter in Florida or Texas next year.  Time will tell.
I have decided to take a break from journaling.  I want to wish you all happy holidays.  May your  heart be filled with every joy this holidy season.   Love to all.   
Picture from Hometown


Anonymous said...

Oh Dawn...I will miss you.    Please come by and visit my journals from time to time...or email me.   It's been wonderful getting to know you.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2007, Dawn. Looking forward to your return


Anonymous said...

Dawn, I have missed you for the last few weeks and I will sure miss you if you do not post for the next six weeks.
How about once a week and you can tell us about you winnings at poker and your husbands golf scores.
You could also tell me all about Mexican Train since I have never even heard the term. Is it some sort of game.
Understand you feelings about being closer to the family. That is what my wife and I have devoted our retirement to with only a trip or two each year. I always miss the grand children after three or four days so we often return early.
Have a great time

Anonymous said...

I will certainly miss your entries!! Sounds like you guys have you rdays filled up for a while. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family!!

Anonymous said...

I will miss reading you. Hurry back and have a very happy holiday.

love, lahoma

Anonymous said...

hi I sure hope its not too long a break Enjoy your winter ...Sue Springfield ,mass

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy your stay for as long as you choose to stay put.  We'll miss you and will anxiously await your return.


Anonymous said...

I'll miss your journaling. :o( Have a wonderful and safe Holiday! I agree....Jesus is the reason! :o)

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a lovely winter in the warm.  Have a very Happy Christmas and a great Nes Year on the road.  Love Joan and hurry back to us.

Anonymous said...

I will miss your writing Dawn. Hope you have a lovely Christmas and will get back to writing soon!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Hi ,
I havn't followed your journal very long but the entries I have read I have most enjoyed.I wish you Good Health Peace and Joy this Christmas Time to you and yours,and may you fully enjoy your time out from J/Land.All the very Best for 2007.God Bless.Take care.

Anonymous said...


Enjoy your break and your holidays... blessings to you and yours...

be well,

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays!  And Happy New Year, if you aren't back before then. :-)

Anonymous said...

Season greatings to you both,

Anonymous said...


Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,

I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  It's probably nice to "stay put" for a little while, huh?  Hope you enjoy it.  I totally understand about being away from your family.  As you know, that is my main concern when my husband talks about "full-timing" it! (ha)  Hope you don't stay away too long.

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Happy new year and come back soon!!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed visiting you. Can I invite you to drop by and visit me  at NEW & YOU whenever you have a spare minute? I’m sure you know that you will always be very welcome.
Good wishes,

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a great holiday season and start thinking about coming back!

be well,

Anonymous said...

C'mon back now...ya hear?  It's almost Easter!  

be well,

Anonymous said...

We miss you here! Hope your having a wonderful time!

Anonymous said...

Okay... another attempt... come out come out and play again!

be well,