Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Columbus, Texas

The past two days we have been in Columbus, Texas.  Columbus is the largest city in Colorado County, Texas.  It is sixty-five miles west of Huston, on a small rise south and west of a lazy horseshoe bend in the Colorado River.  In 2003, it had an estimated population of 3,905.  It is also know as the City of Live Oaks.
One doesn't have to look to far to see many beautiful old oak trees.  Their shapes are absolutely intriguing.  I could hardly stop taking pictures of them.   I won't bore you with them all, but can't resist showing you two of them.
This small town is proud of their past with many historic buildings well care for.  They have what they call 'talking houses'.  You know the old saying, 'If this house could talk', well they found a way to make them talk.  How did they do that, you ask?  They have selected nine houses and equipped them with radio transmitters operating on specified AM frequencies.  The  transmitter broadcasts a pre-recorded message about that house.  In front of these nine houses, these is a sign outside which tells you what station to turn  your radio to.  Did I forget to you that this is a driving tour in your own car?
We enjoyed this charming little town with a treasure-trove of Victorian and turn of the century homes.


Anonymous said...

those houses are gorgeous!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the trees. They are so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful historic part of Tx. I have only been in Tx. on plane lay-overs and then when my husband and I decided we had finally had enough of Southern Ca. and its never ending Earth Quakes We drove from L.A. to Florida. Our big stop along the way was in a suburb of Houston, Where we stayed a couple of days with friends of my husbands. It was quite the mixture of all levels of economics, ages and cultures. We went to a wonderful place for dinner one night with our hosts. I cannot remember the name of the place, It was something like "The house of Magic, I don't remember, But we had a wonderful time. The place looked like something out of Egypt. Dinner and the entertainment was great.

Anyway, Glad you are enjoying your time in Tx. Happy Trails.


Anonymous said...

The tour sounds nice. I'd enjoy it. And that tree is awesome!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment. You are so correct. I had recieved the same notice once before, But of course Had forgotten the 3 important steps.


Anonymous said...

Its like stepping back in time Dawn lovely pictures of the trees and the houses. We had an item on our news about Scotland oldest trees planted hundred s of years ago and trying to get some kind of law passed so they cannot be cut down at a whim hope it works as we have many of the oldest trees in Europe. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

The old houses are magnificent - they look so stately, a piece of a bygone era! Love the old trees too - they are huge!

Anonymous said...

I would love to do that tour of the houses (no chance )reminded me of 'Gone with the wind' ,The trees are magnificient ,.,.,love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

What fantastic pictures.  It's just lovely.

The talking house thing sounds very cool.  Given the history of the area, I'm sure the recording were very interesting.


Anonymous said...

I love tours like that.  I have been to a couple of them, very nice to stay in the comfort of your own vehicle and travel at your own pace.  Love the pictures of the giant tree.  I can't believe that it needs support for the limb it's so big.  That is amazing.


Anonymous said...

That's America to me! excellent... it makes me dream! Thanks for sharing all this - I love the internet, look I've travelled today to Texas :D
Do you plan your expeditions accodring to where the weather will be good?

Anonymous said...

Now THIS is what I think of when I picture "down south" in my head. Those oaks are just screaming for a cool tree house or to be climbed (but I'm sure those signs tell you not to.)  

Anonymous said...

Wow!  Those are some oak trees!

be well,

Anonymous said...

You are living the life my husband and I want someday... in fact, I told him I would want a laptop to take with me... and we'll take our two schnauzers, if they are both alive by then... but the gas prices will do us in. I am a first time visitor here, and discovered you because you won the VIVI Award for Best Travel Journal. I see why... I'm sorry about the misunderstanding with the other journal that was mistakenly placed in the Travel category.... but it seems obvious that yours is the winner of the award. I'm adding you to my alerts so I can read about your travels. It could be another ten years before we can retire. I'm a teacher. Bea