Saturday, October 28, 2006

Livingston, Texas

We are still in Livingston Texas.  We had planned on leaving last Wednesday, but it was  raining so hard, we'll stay a little longer.   The October Fest is over and we had a great time.  The motto this year was "Harvesting Knowledge From A Gathering of Friends."  It was a fun week with tons of things to do.  Lunches, dinners,  seminars, crafts, tours, nightly entertainment, games, vendors  and of course Bingo. 
While we were here we met a bloggers from the Isle of Man, England.  They are an adventurous couple touring the US in their small motorcoach that  was shipped over from England.  I  think  they were here for 9 months total.  They have a daughter working in Canada, so they skipped up there too.  If you would like to check out their blog, here it is, but there is no where to leave a comment.
If the weather is good, we will be leaving here this coming Monday for the San Antonio, TX. area.  I have been lucky having WiFi all the time that we have been here.  You never know When we will get it again.  Gosh, I hope we have it Nov. 2nd to vote.


Anonymous said...

I don't even know how to express how wonderful I feel it is what you are doing...Anyway, I do hope that I could be one of the bloggers that you someday meet.

Anonymous said...

I saw a trailer park on the telly the other night when the item on the bushfires was on and thought, I wonder where Dawn is at the moment. Glad you are OK. The book I am reading just  now takes place in Texas did not know it was  so large and there are so many unpopulated areas.  Take care Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Ooh another traveller's blog Dawn. Thanks for the link! Wherever you travel next be safe and have a great time! One day, I hope to do what you are doing now, if I am lucky enough!

Anonymous said...

keep on giving news... I am fascinated by what you are experiencing

Anonymous said...

Enjoy hearing about your adventures as you know ,how exciting meeting another blogger ,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope we get to travel about like you guys. That sounds so great.