Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Home of the Throwed Rolls

Home of the Throwed Rolls
A couple of days ago we went to Lambert's  Cafe's, known for it's
"throwed dinner rolls"  It seems that back in 1976, a customer was impatient for his bread roll and hollered out, "Throw the damn thing!" and they are still doing it.  The food here is homestyle cooking and pleanty of it.  Drinks come in oversized 32 oz glasses.  They also have pass arounds to each table all durning the meal.  Examples were fried poatoes & onions, macaroni & tomatoes, black-eyed eas, apple butter. and last but not least sorghum molasses.
I had a salad the likes that I had never seen before.  It was served in a giant bread bowl with a very large rim on it.  It over- shadowed the dinner plate that it was sitting on.  Very yummy.


Anonymous said...

I think this restaurant was feautured on Food Network.  That is a place I definitely want to go to someday.  Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That salad looks yummy with  capital Y.


Anonymous said...

I've heard of this place. None of them around here, tho.

Anonymous said...

I love Lamberts, its soooo yummy. Thanks for voting for Lucky!!! And thanks for visiting my journal....dont be a stranger, I have added you to my alerts also.

Anonymous said...

Hey nice salad and i wouldnt mind going there some day... Helen

Anonymous said...

How fun!  That sounds like a great place.


Anonymous said...

Oh look at that salad ,OOoo yes please ,love the story of the throwed rolls ,dont they lose their contents as they fly through the air ? lol ,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Throwed Rolls!!! What a fun idea Dawn. It could never happen on our side of the pond,

Anonymous said...

I just watched a show about this place last night. I was starved to death by the time it went off. LOL

Anonymous said...

Food looks wonderful and plenty of it too. Can feel the pounds going on. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

OMG I've had my supper, but that made me hungry all over again. Catch-your-own-food? Hmm


Anonymous said...

My hubby and I saw this place on tv and someday we will get there!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Can't believe you were so near me! I haven't went there yet but when I do I am taking tons of pictures.
