Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Baskets, baskets everywhere.

Baskets, baskets everywhere.    Central Ohio is basket country.  The Longaberger company, headquartered in Newark, Ohio, has a basket presence throughout Newark, Dresden and surrounding areas.  If your not a basket lover, it's just to bad, they are everywhere, every color and every size. 
This afternoon  we did the tourist thing and visited  the Longaberger Homestead.  Just as we arrived, along came the tour bus to take us to tour the factory.  We were able to see baskets being made from start to finish and had opportunities to talk with workers.  The employees are a contented bunch, the turnover rate is only 1%, no union needed says one women saying they give us everything we want.  How many people can  say that!     The company is being run by two sisters, daughters of  Dave Longaberger, now deceased.  We came away with the feeling that the employees took pride in their work.  It is my humble opinion that we don't always see that much anymore.
Along with the chance to make your own basket, there are many shops to visit, along with a tea house and restaurants.
The baskets were beautiful, but I have no room.  Boo hoo.
I consoul myself seeing the world's largest apple basket, boasting a bumper crop  of fourteen 4 foot apples.  It is over 29 feet tall and was woven from hardwood maple in 1999.
Another cool thing we saw was the Longaberger corporate offices, 17 miles down the road from homestead.  The building is a picnic basket, only 160 times larger.   The seven-story building is an exact replica of a medium-sized Longaberger picnic basket. Synethetic plaster was used to create the curved basket weave exterior. The handles are heated to prevent ice from forming and falling onto the roof.   Two Longaberger tags are attached to the sides of the building. The gold leaf painted tags are 725 lbs each and measure 25' long x 7' tall x 3" thick.
Pretty neat!


Anonymous said...

Nice baskets!  You get to see the coolest things!


Anonymous said...

Wow!  That was so cool to look at!  You get to see so many things in your travels.  Is there a site for their company?

Anonymous said...

Oh it must have been so hard not to be able to buy something. They are all so beautiful. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

How lovely ,you wouldnt in a million years imagine such places existed,and the work conditions sound perfect if the workers are all so content ,(no basket cases there then ..sorry )What a shame you couldnt find room for one Thanks for sharing  .....Jan xx,

Anonymous said...

My sister lives in Ohio. The Longaberger baskets are beautiful but so expensive.


Anonymous said...

Funny thing Dawn....................your in Ohio and we're in Iowa!!!
Same heat and same humidity!
Had only one of their baskets and sold it on e-bay when we got ready to travel!
Shirley and gary

Anonymous said...

Oh, those baskets are so pretty!  I'd have a hard time not buying one if I was there.  I enjoyed your entry, it was so interesting!!

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Your way of life sounds idylic, you and your hubby must get on really well, not sure I'd be able to do the same, as much as I love him he does drive me nuts sometimes, great to find a new blog to read.... Kerry

Anonymous said...

I love baskets! I have them all over my house. Most are cheap imports, however. Longabergers are just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

The baskets are just lovely and the corporate office building is so neat!  I love baskets but avoid collecting them because I would quickly run out of room.  :-)

Anonymous said...

Very cool... I love their baskets!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
I am just back from my holidays and enjoying catching up with your July entries so far. The baskets are great. I loved the photo of the building especially. A pity more workers aren't as happy as these seem,

Anonymous said...

the world's biggest basket is what Pennie says I am.     Oh ... wait a minute ... she said 'BASTARD' ... never mind ...