Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Photo Scavenger Hunt # 85

This week at Krissy's Sometimes I Think the Photo Scavenger Hunt # 85 subject is Glass.   I hunted down an old entry that featured glass.    Would you use this restroom?  


Anonymous said...

I think I would, now that I know that the glass is only see through from the inside (LOL!!!),

Anonymous said...

Yikes, no I wouldn't!  Well, maybe if I REALLY had to go, LOL!  Thanks for sharing the pic, it is fabulous.


Anonymous said...

I can't say that I would.  I didn't even know such restrooms existed.
Hugs, hon

Anonymous said...

LOL Depends on how bad I had to go.

Anonymous said...

I think I would suffer from performance anxiety if I tried to use those facilities.  Very cool concept, and a wonderful picture to boot.  Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

When I have to go I have to go so yes I would use this one. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Wow!  Where did you find this uh... water closet?  It looks amazingly CLEAN!  But, no, I'm afraid I wouldn't use it.  It looks like it is made for alien plumbing and I'm not a gender bender, or an exibitionist, or a voyeure...  As a teacher, I'd probably lose my license if I used it!  LOL  Shana

Anonymous said...

I think I would have serious trouble. But I have seen worse...

Anonymous said...

 I wouldn't use it but I have friends that wouldn't hesitate.  Great pictures.


Anonymous said...

OMG I've seen pics of these before and I guess it would depend on just how bad I had to . . .  well, you know.  LOL


Anonymous said...

I dont think I could go if i

Anonymous said...

I really dont think I could ..........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe it... you can see out but they can not see you. Don't think I could concentrate... LOl... Of course it is amazingly clean compared to the pit I tried to use at the picnic area the other day...
Have a great weekend!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

I saw this on tv before but can't recall what city it was in.  We were just in San Francisco and thought it was crazy to pay 25 cents for a potty.  I just did an entry on that myself.  

As for would I pee in the glass one...heck ya!!
