Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My first Movie

 Last year Bob and I talked about things we should do or try that we have never been able to do.  Neither of us likes heights very much, so before we left AZ. We took a ride on an aerial sky ride.  I hated it and will not do it again. 
 Next, I  have always wondered how you got to be an extra in one of those movies. You know you see a scene where there is a couple just sitting there having coffee. Maybe a quick line: "Excuse me Miss, could I have the check".  It would be GREAT to be able to say "Oh that was the movie I was in with Robin Williams and Clint Eastwood." Well, I saw in the Zanesville, Ohio  paper that they were looking for extras that were willing to go naked. Now look, I'm 68 years old what have I got to lose, at least maybe it would be a comedy. They only pay the extras $56 a day and if you are here for more than three days they make you join the Actors Guild Union. Unfortunately it only lasted one day and I didn't get a speaking part. The good news is they didn't cut my big scene from the movie. They say it will be released in the fall, but they sent me what they called a "movie still." Now let's all be adults about this, I am having these printed up and will be autographing them.  Maybe I'll use it as our Christmas card this year.
  I want you to know that I will remember all you little people when I make it to Hollywood. Everyone told me I was going to have too much time on my hands when I retired.  Somehow there is always something to do.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant, excellent ,delightful ,when your rich and famous with your name up there in lights dont you dare forget us !......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Your certainly looking good dawn. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

lol..this entry just made my day. >>and tomorrow too.
Horray for you!
Hugs hon,
Barb- http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/HEYLETSTALK

Anonymous said...

But are you ready for your close up???? lol lol lol  Thanks for the giggles!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn ,
Hey i had no problem with spotting you in that Crowd of people .
Nice picture .   Things one would do for $$$$$$$


Anonymous said...

I loved that you did this. I think that is one of the best things I have heard all year!!!

Anonymous said...

Hummmmmm seems like you do have a little bit too much time on your hands!!! LOL.... http://journals.aol.com/shayshaydc/Golfaholic

Anonymous said...

You are one hilarious woman!!! (ha)  I looked at that pic and couldn't help but notice, it seems like every person has black hair!!  I saw a special on TV about the man who does these pics....he goes all over the world to take pics of nudes.  It was kind of hard to see, but were you the one who was waving at the camera? (ha)

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

you look great in your first movie!  Did you take the aerial sky ride in Albuquerque?  It is hot and humid in IN,drive safely! Pearl & gUS

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn

It was very brave of you to do that.

Leigh xxx