Saturday, April 29, 2006


Saturday 4-22-2006
    Tomorrow we are leaving  Boulder City, NV, which is just outside of Vegas.  The road traveled was CA 95 was one long, boring, curvy, bumpy road.  We could travel 10 minutes without seeing another car.  We took this road as RV are not allowed over Hoover Dam. 
  We are about 15 minutes from Vegas, far enough to be safe at night.  Recently, in the past two weeks or so, there have been a number of assaults in Vegas by young gang members.  One was on a guard right in front of a famous casino, on the strip.  The sad part was that no one came to his rescue.   For a while Vegas was being seen as a family resort, but I think now it is going back to a fun, but wild sort of town.  Their slogan is "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."    
We could not help but notice that a lot of the "love and marriage, drive through chapels "have closed down.   Why get married, I guess.   Elvis isn't seen running around anymore, large signs have replaced him advertising cold beer and naked girls.  How come we never see naked guys advertised?  Must be all those dumb blondes we hear off. LOL
We're off to Zion National Park  in Utah in the morning.   Hang loose till we chat again.    Love to all.        Dawn


Anonymous said...

Am sure the National park you are going to visit will be much more interesting to you both.  Have heard of Boulder City but can't recall where maybe a book or film. Stay safe Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful ,a have to see! then move on ..bit scary really ,your next stop sounds good ,enjoy and come back and tell ......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Living in the UK, it is good to hear an alternative opinion on Las Vegas to the glossy tourist brochures. Stay safe - looking forward to hearing about Utah.

Anonymous said...

Johnny and I got married in Vegas, but the Chapel was nice then, not like they are today. Love reading your entries, getting to travel with you.
Hugs, hon

Anonymous said...

Have a great time!  I am so sorry to hear about the assaults taking place there in Vegas.  I am sure that the LVPD will take an aggressive approach with the gang members to put a dent in their terrorist activities.  Drive safely and enjoy the scenery.  Lisa  

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful journal you have going here, I found it through demandin chic, and she is right your pics are fab. keep em coming you are now m=on my alerts, can't wait to see what you got coming next, but first I am going back to see what you have wrote and took pics of in the past.
thanks for sharing such an inspired blog, love it.