Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Leaving is hard to do

What??? It's April already.  Where did the time go?   It's time again to say good-bye to our friends here in Arizona.  Inez will be leaving for Vermont, Chuck and Evelyn to Michigan, Bev and Bill to Illinois and Doris and Phil to Minn.  Marlene and Ernie are most likely back in Iowa by  now. We all go our seperate ways for the summer and come together again the fall sometime.
This Wednesday we will be on our way, perhaps to a town near you.  First stop for a week or so will be Vegas.  We are ready for the bright lights and crazy people watching there.  Lots to see.  We are planning on checking out Fremont Street Experience.  We hear they have a new light show since our last visit.
From there we will continue up to Utah to the Zion National Park.  We have been there before but the wether had been dreadfully cold and rainy.   Hopefully  it will be better this time.  From there we are going to Delta Utah for two weeks. We will be meeting up with friends Joyce and Earl from Texas and Kurk from Minn.    Bob also has a few golfing  dates set up with a friend who lives there.  Next will be a week in Salt Lake for a little geneolgy.
From there we are off to Yellowstone, one of my most favorite places.  After this who knows where we will show up?   No one knows as we haven't given it a thought yet.
I will miss not visiting with you as often as I have been.  I hope that you all will look in on us sometime and I will keep you posted as often as I can.  So long for now.   Love to you all.


Anonymous said...

Yes dont lets lose track of you ,happy wandering ,it would be nice if you did turn up here, lol, in the uk ................Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Sounds like lots of fun, what a great life.  No, I do not expect you to turn up near me.  I am in the UK as well lol

Anonymous said...

pictures! I WANT pictures!!!! lol

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great summer Dawn and Bob and the golf is good, and the picture opportunities are good even great. Bye for now and keep in touch. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Try to stop in with occasional entries!


Anonymous said...

Yep it's time.  Let the adventures begin!  Have a wonderful time.


Anonymous said...

enjoy your trip.    Vegas isn't my style, but Zion and Yellowstone are!    we will be with you vicariously.    check in once in awhile.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I bet you're going to have a FUN summer..enjoy hun! :-)

~ Susan

Anonymous said...

I' ll see you later. Have a safe trip!

Anonymous said...

Keep us posted on your travels!  I hope to get out to Vegas in June. Crossing fingers... :-)

Anonymous said...

You need to come and visit us in South Carolina!!!! Great golfing area!!!! http://journals.aol.com/shayshaydc/Golfaholic