Sunday, April 30, 2006

Boulder City, NV. and St. George, Utah

Saturday we went to the Boulder City Arts Festival.   Many artist and craftspersons displayed their works for sale.  Photographers, painters, scuptors, glass blowers  and metal art.  As we approched the exhibit area we smelled that saugage and onion and peppers on the grill, deep fried oreo cookies, cotton candy you name , it was there.  We quickly all but ran from this area.   It smelled so good.  
Today, we are in St. George, Utah to hunt down the famous Blue Bunny Ice Cream Parlor.  And when we did find it, we spoiled our supper, but it was worth it.
Tomorrow I will have pictures of our most favorite road for senery I -15   in Utah.   It's a spectacular drive.    


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn lovely pictures as usual. It was strange to see the musicians playing in the street as we have a group from Peru? that play on a Saturday in Perth our local town. Hope you enjoyed that ice cream. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Iwould have loved to see this all the different crafts ,Iwould give up on the icecream to stay longer here among the crafts ...........w ell OK  then! ........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I would have loved seeing all the arts and crafts and I would have been broke afterwards lol

Anonymous said...

I love craft shows. The Boulder City Arts Festival always has such awesome things to check out. Love traveling I-15 in Utah too. It truly is spectacular. Pics are great.
Thanks for sharing them with us.
Hugs, hon.