Monday, April 10, 2006

A Day Trip

A week or so ago, we took a ride to Saguaro Lake, while making stops at the Salt River andthrough the Tonto National Forest.  We traveled along the  Usery Pass Road  to the  Bush Highway,  where we enjoyed wonderful scenery, such as the Saguaro Lake.
The Salt River is always a favorite stop for me.  On this day, people were fishing there.   We have been there in the past when we would go down and collect smooth and unusual shaped rocks, rocks that we could paint  and turn them into animals.   I have heard that when the weather gets really hot, Valley residents escape the summer heat by filling up some inner tubes and heading for Salt River.  If you don't have a tube, you can rent one, and for the next 15 miles you can float lazily down the river.  Bob and I took a double tube ride in Disney a couple of years ago.  He held the tube while I climbed in and then JUMPED on himself and then we both went A-- over Tea Kettle in the water.  OH, that was fun!
Last, but definitely not least, we stopped and had lunch at Saguaro Lake. The lake itself is always busy, with boating  and sightseeing tours on the Desert Belle Paddleboat.  The lake is surrounded with towering red and yellow cliff walls, and a panoramic view of Goldfield Mountains.  The end of a perfect afternoon with my honey.


Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures dear ,discribing an interesting trip,arent those cacti pretty ,your stones to paint sounds interesting ,and the ride in the tube hillarious ........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful pics hun, I always love to read of your travels. :-)

~ Susan

Anonymous said...

What wonderful scenery Dawn just my cup of tea. Loved the cactus it is so beautiful was it growing in the wild? Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Wow!  Beautiful photos!  I loved the cactus, the lake, and the mountains.


Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to try tubing down the Salt.  My kids have done it, but not me.

Anonymous said...

I am loving the pictures and ya make me feel as if I am there with you 2 as you go along your way.  It was an interesting idea that cacti may help those with sugar problems----
----------------------Granny Hugs to Ya, MARY

Anonymous said...

All I've done is resort tubing too. Ha! I've always wanted to try it on a real "lazy river".

Anonymous said...

Tubing is so much fun.  I haven't done that in years.

Anonymous said...

BREATH TAKING.   how i envy the 2 of you