Thursday, April 27, 2006

Lake Meade Pictures

 Today we  spent a few hours at Lake Mead National Recreation Area.   I took lots of pictures, but can only get on for ten minutes a day.  It takes all day to charge my phone battery and only last about ten minutes.  Sometimes it works for the ten minutes and somtimes it doesn't.  Lake Mead has it all. Water of course, beautiful mountains surounding the lake,canyons, marinas, swiming beaches, and the desert.  I am hoping I can get pictures in for you later.  There are several campgrounds there, some belonging to the park and many more concessioned out. The concessioned are more up to date having full hook ups.  The marina here is as busy as any we have ever seen
Being from Massachusetts we are always in awe of the quiet beauty of the desert and the imposing sights of the rugged twisted colorful mountains.  I love this part of the country.
Among other activities are mountain bike riding and many foot races are held here at the lake.  There was a race there today, but it had ended before we got there.
We are hoping that we now have the battery problem settleted.  Hope so.


Anonymous said...

Looks as if you have found an ideal spot for a few days after you drive north (I think) will have to look at my atlas. LOve joan.

Anonymous said...

Oh I do envy you ,what a lovely lifestyle just up and go and explore all these wonderful places .........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Isn't AMERICA truly beautiful?? We have so many different climates compared to other spots here on this big blue globe! I am so jealous of your life style right now I could just spit! lol Well at least I am on the down side of child rearing....only 2 left at home soon to be 14 and 15, I figure 8 more years and it's open road for me and my guy! lol

Anonymous said...

Great pics!  Have fun in your travels!

Anonymous said...

Since I can't travel much any more I love being able to do it second hand, through you. Love reading about where you've been, what you're seeing and doing. Just got back from California so have a lot of catching up to do. But...had to stop by and thank you for your support, love and prayers.

Anonymous said...

I have just discovered your wonderful journal. What a lucky couple you are. You are living the dream. Will be a regular visitor from now on. The photos are great.