Sunday, April 30, 2006

Boulder City, NV. and St. George, Utah

Saturday we went to the Boulder City Arts Festival.   Many artist and craftspersons displayed their works for sale.  Photographers, painters, scuptors, glass blowers  and metal art.  As we approched the exhibit area we smelled that saugage and onion and peppers on the grill, deep fried oreo cookies, cotton candy you name , it was there.  We quickly all but ran from this area.   It smelled so good.  
Today, we are in St. George, Utah to hunt down the famous Blue Bunny Ice Cream Parlor.  And when we did find it, we spoiled our supper, but it was worth it.
Tomorrow I will have pictures of our most favorite road for senery I -15   in Utah.   It's a spectacular drive.    

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Saturday 4-22-2006
    Tomorrow we are leaving  Boulder City, NV, which is just outside of Vegas.  The road traveled was CA 95 was one long, boring, curvy, bumpy road.  We could travel 10 minutes without seeing another car.  We took this road as RV are not allowed over Hoover Dam. 
  We are about 15 minutes from Vegas, far enough to be safe at night.  Recently, in the past two weeks or so, there have been a number of assaults in Vegas by young gang members.  One was on a guard right in front of a famous casino, on the strip.  The sad part was that no one came to his rescue.   For a while Vegas was being seen as a family resort, but I think now it is going back to a fun, but wild sort of town.  Their slogan is "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."    
We could not help but notice that a lot of the "love and marriage, drive through chapels "have closed down.   Why get married, I guess.   Elvis isn't seen running around anymore, large signs have replaced him advertising cold beer and naked girls.  How come we never see naked guys advertised?  Must be all those dumb blondes we hear off. LOL
We're off to Zion National Park  in Utah in the morning.   Hang loose till we chat again.    Love to all.        Dawn

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Lake Meade Pictures

 Today we  spent a few hours at Lake Mead National Recreation Area.   I took lots of pictures, but can only get on for ten minutes a day.  It takes all day to charge my phone battery and only last about ten minutes.  Sometimes it works for the ten minutes and somtimes it doesn't.  Lake Mead has it all. Water of course, beautiful mountains surounding the lake,canyons, marinas, swiming beaches, and the desert.  I am hoping I can get pictures in for you later.  There are several campgrounds there, some belonging to the park and many more concessioned out. The concessioned are more up to date having full hook ups.  The marina here is as busy as any we have ever seen
Being from Massachusetts we are always in awe of the quiet beauty of the desert and the imposing sights of the rugged twisted colorful mountains.  I love this part of the country.
Among other activities are mountain bike riding and many foot races are held here at the lake.  There was a race there today, but it had ended before we got there.
We are hoping that we now have the battery problem settleted.  Hope so.

Monday, April 24, 2006

No Phone

Saturday 4-22-2006
Well I'm finally able to add an entry again.  First off, we were not able to leave Mesa until Friday the 21st.   Our first stop was Blyth, CA. for one night.   The nezt day we went to Boulder City, NV.  The road traveled was CA 95 was one long, boring, curvy, bumpy road.  We could travel 10 minutes without seeing another car.  We took this road as RV are not allowed over Hoover Dam.   I took pictures, but don't when I can post one or two.
Today Saturday, the battery in our cell phone  called it quits. I ordered another one from Sprint, they told me 5-10 days, and of course  it will be sent to Texas, and then we will have it delivered to where ever we are at that time. I am trying to get this in before it shuts itself down again.    Love to all,         Dawn

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Leaving is hard to do

What??? It's April already.  Where did the time go?   It's time again to say good-bye to our friends here in Arizona.  Inez will be leaving for Vermont, Chuck and Evelyn to Michigan, Bev and Bill to Illinois and Doris and Phil to Minn.  Marlene and Ernie are most likely back in Iowa by  now. We all go our seperate ways for the summer and come together again the fall sometime.
This Wednesday we will be on our way, perhaps to a town near you.  First stop for a week or so will be Vegas.  We are ready for the bright lights and crazy people watching there.  Lots to see.  We are planning on checking out Fremont Street Experience.  We hear they have a new light show since our last visit.
From there we will continue up to Utah to the Zion National Park.  We have been there before but the wether had been dreadfully cold and rainy.   Hopefully  it will be better this time.  From there we are going to Delta Utah for two weeks. We will be meeting up with friends Joyce and Earl from Texas and Kurk from Minn.    Bob also has a few golfing  dates set up with a friend who lives there.  Next will be a week in Salt Lake for a little geneolgy.
From there we are off to Yellowstone, one of my most favorite places.  After this who knows where we will show up?   No one knows as we haven't given it a thought yet.
I will miss not visiting with you as often as I have been.  I hope that you all will look in on us sometime and I will keep you posted as often as I can.  So long for now.   Love to you all.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Happy Easter

Picture from Hometown
May Easter bring you a happy heart
May your spirit rejoice  in the Joy  of
                    Risen Lord 
 A card from us.     Enjoy

Monday, April 10, 2006

A Day Trip

A week or so ago, we took a ride to Saguaro Lake, while making stops at the Salt River andthrough the Tonto National Forest.  We traveled along the  Usery Pass Road  to the  Bush Highway,  where we enjoyed wonderful scenery, such as the Saguaro Lake.
The Salt River is always a favorite stop for me.  On this day, people were fishing there.   We have been there in the past when we would go down and collect smooth and unusual shaped rocks, rocks that we could paint  and turn them into animals.   I have heard that when the weather gets really hot, Valley residents escape the summer heat by filling up some inner tubes and heading for Salt River.  If you don't have a tube, you can rent one, and for the next 15 miles you can float lazily down the river.  Bob and I took a double tube ride in Disney a couple of years ago.  He held the tube while I climbed in and then JUMPED on himself and then we both went A-- over Tea Kettle in the water.  OH, that was fun!
Last, but definitely not least, we stopped and had lunch at Saguaro Lake. The lake itself is always busy, with boating  and sightseeing tours on the Desert Belle Paddleboat.  The lake is surrounded with towering red and yellow cliff walls, and a panoramic view of Goldfield Mountains.  The end of a perfect afternoon with my honey.

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Prickly Pear Cactus

This was taken today here in the Arizona.  It is a Prickly Pear cactus.  Isn't it lovely?   The leaves have flat, fleshy pads that look like large leaves.
The Prickly Pear has many uses as well as beauty.  The gel like liquid of a prickly pear cactus can be used like a conditioner.  The peeled pads can also be sliced thin (like green beans) and boiled or can be baked like squash or even pickled.
Besides being a tasty vegetable, it is used to make cactus candy ( jell like), although not a big seller except to tourist, I suspect.  Prickly Pear jams and jellies are also big sellers.
Another interesting tidbit about this cactus is that , it has long been believed in Mexico that eating the prickly pear pads helps diabetics. Researchers are now verifying the value of this cactus. Among other things, it helps the pancreas to produce insulin. How cool is that?
 Did You Know.....

On Wednesday of next week, April 5th
at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00
in the morning,
the time and date will be
01:02:03 04/05/06!