Sunday, March 12, 2006

This and That

End of the Dry Streak!

Yesterday was a big day here in southern Arizona, it RAINED!
 Yes, it really did.  "What's the big deal you ask?" Well, it was.   We had gone 143 days without rain ( Oct. 18th ).   On Saturday morning at 1:07, rain and thunderstorms  decended upon us. These 143 days was a record and the amount of rain we got was another record, one and a half inches.
The local TV station news casters were so excited, they could not stay inside.  One went to the puddles  and jumped in them, both feet!  The next one did a finger measurement of the depth, up to the first knuckle.  This was a major news story and they made the most of it all morning long.  Update after update.
 Wednesday, my Red Hatters, "The Sweet Violets" had our final luncheon of the season.  We went to Molly  Brannigans, a traditional Irish Pub.  The girls presented me with a lovely vase of red roses.  It was a delightful surprise.  Within the the next few weeks, we will all be leaving Arizona for different parts of the country and Canada.  The Candian visitors can only stay ou of their country 180 days at a time.  Some  go home for the holidays and come back, thus starting another 180 day stay.
This coming Friday I am going on a mystery ride with 39 other women.  I'll let you know all about it next weekend. 
Bob surprised me with a new camera yesterday.  It is an Olympus E-500.  I told him now we have to go back to Yellowstone when we leave here.    We are leaving here April 19th, heading North.  Our loose plan  is Vegas, Zion, Salt Lake, Wyoming, Yellowstone, Montana, Idaho and on to Washington state.  From there Oragon and Indiana aand back to Massachusetts sometime in July.


Anonymous said...

Rain! Nothing like it, especially when it's needed. I have a sister living in Flagstaff, and a son who just moved to Pheonix. One wrote of rain, the other of snow. Would you believe we actually got snow here in Eugene, Oregon? Not much in town but it was beautiful while it lasted. Looking forward to hearing about your mystery ride, as well as what pics you took with your new camera.

Anonymous said...

I sure loved getting the rain, but now my backyard is a mess, and we're in the middle of a landscaping project.  It probably rained because we started it! LOL

Anonymous said...

your pictures are really beautiful, especially of the superstitions...pearl

Anonymous said...

What beautiful photos! I always love to read of your travels, it makes me look forward to when me and hubby go RV-ing after we retire. Congrats on the roses and have an awesome week! :-)

~ Susan

Anonymous said...

you should see the reaction people have to snow here in Southern Cal.    my neighbor actually tried to snort his driveway

Anonymous said...

Wow I'm jealous!!! I wanna go!!!!! LOL...