Saturday, March 18, 2006

Red Hat Mystery Ride

Our Red Hat Mystery bus ride was a smashing success.  I think there were 46 of us cruising the local Arizona streets. 
Our first stop was lunch at Molly Brannigans Irish Pub.  Just up my alley, being an Irish gal brought up in Massachusetts. Everyone drinking beer with loud Irish music in the background, that's the way we like our pubs!   Now some of these gals didn't have a touch of Irish blood in they and thought the music a bit loud.  No taste, I'd say.  After a traditional Irish dish of corned beef and cabbage, we again boarded the bus for the next stop.
Soon we pulled in front of a castle like  entertainment center called Golf World.  This place looks like a castle when driving up to the red carpet entrance.  Inside it was huge.  The first thing we noticed was a mega size room with every kind of video game imaginable.  There was a snack bar there also, with piles of kids hanging out.   We looked at them and thought "What the hell?" and I'm sure when all of us piled in with purple clothes and big red hats, they were think the same or perhaps worse.
We continued straight along with our heads held high,and found  ourselves outside facing  two swimming pools, a wave beach, water bumper cars and over to the left a miniature 18 hole golf course.   There were families in this area taking advantage of the pools and golfing.   We split up into groups of four and proceeded to boil our brains out in the hot sun.  The gals that do golf, rubbed our noses in the dirt showing off their skill.  There is nothing worse than a show off, don't you agree?
By the time we all had played the game, I was ready for a frosty one.   We all boarded the bus again and wouldn't you know it, the show off's all got prizes for the lowest score before we left.
By now it was time to return to the park thinking our adventure was over.  But no, when we got off the bus a couple of Irish little people had gathered up some  music and ice cold green beer awaited. And so the day ends.


Anonymous said...

Oh you do sound like fun ,old English saying 'Red hat no nickers 'lol .........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

What a great time you had just the way to celebrate St Patricks Day glad you enjoyed it so much .Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day! Tis a blessing to be Irish for sure! lol

Anonymous said...

Now that sounds like a great time!!!!  I would have loved something like that and especially the first stop at Molly Brannigans would have just set the mood!!!


Anonymous said...

Aww, what a wonderful time you had! That all must have been such fun. Bet that corned beef and green beer was good! Have a great week hun! :-)

~ Susan

Anonymous said...

I feel like I had a great time --right along with all the other Hat Ladies--Thanks for sharin'


Anonymous said...

Now this is my kind of day out!