Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Orange Blossoms

Last night, coming home from cribbage the air was filled with the delicious smell of orange blossoms.  There are many orange trees here in the park and a grove across the street.  It always surprises me to see those lovely flower buds, open blossoms and a bright orange , all  on the vine at the same tiime.
Helen Keller once said that "Smell is a potent wizard that transports us across thousands of miles and all the years we have lived."
I would have to agree with that.  Certain smells reming me of times past.  My Dad alway used Old Spice and I still love thast smell today.  When we get close to the ocean, I can't breath in fast enough to get that salt air smell.  Lilacs, turkey roasting, and burning leaves flood my mind wth sweet memories.
What's your favorite smell and why.


Anonymous said...

I love the smell of fresh baked bread. But not ANY bread. The smell that used to fill the air next door to the old Wonder Bread factory in Natick MA. You could smell the bread baking from the mall parking lot. That smell would always transport me to the second year I had my driver's license. We had a ball that year.  I was so sad to hear that the factory was shut down, demolished, and the property sold to a mall expansion project.  I'm going to miss that smell.

Anonymous said...

We dont get orange blossom till summer ,and had a bush in the garden when Iwas a kid so yes it does it for me too ,I like the smell of coffee and Lavender ........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Helen Keller had the advantage of not being tricked into sight illusions, she had to rely on her other senses to comprehend her world around her. So many of her quotes are powerful and I have been in awe of her since I was a small girl.

PS - my Daddy wore old spice too! lol

Anonymous said...

bacon frying on sunday morning, night-blooming jasmine, freshly ground coffee.

Anonymous said...

My favorite smell is a bit strange. I love the smell of new plastic toys..it always reminds me of when I was young and would get a new doll. Whenever my kids get something plastic I'm always sniffing it! LOL

~ Susan

Anonymous said...

Wow what you described brings back great childhood memories.  Orange Blossoms--I grew up in Florida.  Salt Air--I lived by the beach and Old Spice--The smell of my father.

Wow, thanks for the great memory.

I haven't been able to smell these great scents in such a long time.


Anonymous said...


How pretty! Lovey flowers!

Anonymous said...

Just bought a couple of orange blossom shrubs the other day and the leaves smell good too!  I love the smell of Brute....a men's cologne..it will always remind me of my younger days and my first encounter with love.   It brings back so much memories.....;)

Anonymous said...

Wow!  Orange trees.  I have always wished that I could have an orange tree but never lived in the climate.  I can't think of just one smell that I like.  I guess I will pick the ocean, it reminds me of my childhood vacations, family togetherness, and relatives.

Thanks for the card while we were at Hershey Medical Center. :)


Anonymous said...

this is a beautiful picture