Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day

G'day Folks and  Happy St. Patrick's Day.

May those who love us, love us.

And for those who don't love us,

May God turn their hearts.

And if he can not turn their hearts,

May he turn their ankles,

So we may know them by their limping.


My heart today is in South Boston, Southie as we call it.  For the Irish, it's the place to be.  I can remember even as a child being taken in to town on St. Patrick's Day.  Meeting relative didn't know we had, seeing the parade, hearing the music and  enthusiastic dancers.  How I wished I could step dance like them.  The Irish display their proud, but mostly humble backgrounds today.  We have all heard the Irish drunk jokes and some may be true, of course, but their friendly drunks! 

 I'm writing this in a hurry as today I'm going on that mystery bus trip. So whether you Irish or just a wanna be, have a happy day.   Love to all.  Check out the lead below. | A&# | Events | Audio Slideshow | Irish tribute



Anonymous said...

That is my favorite Irish Blessing/Curse! lol The city of Chicago knows how to celebrate this day too! Not to many Rivers get dyed green for the occasion! lol
Tis a blessing to be Irish it is! lol lol lol

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a lovely bus tour I know the weather will be fine for you.  We have sunshine here today but still very cold.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Hi ,I've just come here on Joans (Jaymact )recommendation ,lovely journal ,will come again ,I've been doing an entry on a trip to Ireland .........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I hope that the mystery bus trip is fabulous.  I've heard so much about Southie from John that I almost feel as if I have been there and seen the St. Patrick's Day Parade.  Pennie

Anonymous said...

Hope that your bus trip goes well!!!! Let us know all about it when you return!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun on your trip, ejoyed the great pictures!  from pearl