Saturday, March 25, 2006

Cousins and Friends

Picture from Hometown
I called my cousin Marilyn the other day for her birthday.  She is the older of us by eight days.   I won't let her forget that!   When we were younger we had such fun together.   We laugh at the same things, so it's always fun talking with her.  She still lives in Massachusetts, but we see each other most summers. 
When I called the other day, she was telling me about her new talking bathroom scale.  When she gets on a female voice says "You have lost a pound, have a nice day."   If she has gained, a male voice says  in a harsh  voice "You have gained a pound, goody"  She said she would like to meet up with this guy sometime and tell him just what she thinks of him. And he is loud, so that anyone in the house can hear him.  She has taken to weighing herself only if no one is home.  LOL
Once when we were about 14,  I guess, I saw an ad in the local paper that a car dealer would give away a used car for $1.00 to the first person there when they opened in the morning.   Well, the two of us dressed in our warmest clothes, brought along pillows, snacks, and radio's.  We went there the afternoon before.  We were first.  I'll tell you we had a blast.  Many others came hoping to be first during evening, but we held out.   Marilyn's Dad worked a part time job in the evening driving a cab, he checked on us often, and so were the Beverly Police.  We got the car and our picture in the paper.  Our claim to fame!


Anonymous said...

Love your graphic ,Your cousin sounds fun ,Great stuff getting your car for $1oo,did you have it long was it a decent car do tell ........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing me back to my childhood spent with my favorite cousins! It's so cool to sit back and watch my youngest daughter and my sisters youngest daughter 'hang together' makes me also wonder what kind of mischief they will get themselves into over the next few years. They are 14 and ages! lol

Anonymous said...

I think I would need scales like you cousin too as as find it very hard to keep my weight down.  Well done with the car bet you had some sun with that. Love Joan.