Monday, December 5, 2005

Cave Creek

Today, with friends, we visited Cave Creek, a little town, situated in the foothills north of Phoenix.   In the 1880's it was a mining camp and still caries over the mining/western atmosphere today.   Cave Creek's chief draw is tourism offering many small independent shops, several restaurants and some art galleries.    No big name stores or eateries here, just plain folk.  

 We had lunch at the Buffalo Chip Saloon, just because we like the name..   To give you an idea of the menu Bob had the "Big Buckin Burger". Oh well.  

 Later as we were strolling around we discovered the Norby Gallery.   As Monday is a slow day in Cave Creek, we were able to spend time in the gallery talking with the owner and artist, Arthur Norby.  He was a gracious host giving us the tour,  answering all our questions, knowing  full well we were not going to be a customer.   We had questions concerning  a full size sculpture he is working on, and some of the paintings.   The mood of the gallery shifts from very high priced items to the rather whimsical paintings and garden sculptures.  

It was a fun day checking out all the little shops with a variety of western themes.   One of the shops offered pieces of peanut-brittle free and water $10. a bottle.   I thought this was odd until I tasted the candy and boy was that HOT.  They also sold chili beer.  We could see a chili pepper in each bottle.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, Sounds like our kind of place. Love independent shops and art galleries. Stuart loves to paint as you may know and I will show him you pictures later it is still early here and he has just gone down to breakfast while I wait till my medication has its 15minutes before eating. Have a nice day  Love joan.

Anonymous said...

We love going to Cave Creek, too.  There's so many interesting places to visit.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn. Thanks for letting me koow you posted. Pheonix has a lot of interesting places. I visited several of them with my sister, who lives in Flagstaff. Our oldest son is on his way to Arizona today, needing to check things out. He and his wife may move there before too long. His wife has rhumatoid arthritis and he has severe allergies. Their doctor told them to check out Arizona, since the weather is dryer, and the winters more mild than Oregon's.
Happy Holidays. How is Bob doing? Feeling okay? And what about you?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like my kind of place too. I love little touristy arty spots to shop.

Anonymous said...

Neat Pics!