Friday, December 30, 2005

Happy New Year

Picture from Hometown Happy Holiday!                                     We wish you a new year beyond                                                                                                                     yourdreams!  

Several years ago, I worked with a women who would always remind me to put out a jar with money outside my door each New Years Eve.  She told me it would  give me money throught the year.  Well, I don't know if you believe in this type of thing or not, but it's worked for me .  So thanks Roz, my jar of money will be outside my door Saturday night.

  I want to take a monent to wish you all a Happy New Year, may you be blessed with peace , happiness in 2006 .

Here is a special card for our friends.  

Sunday, December 25, 2005

I bring you good tidings

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for:behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born this day in the  city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the lord.

Picture from Hometown

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas

A very Merry Christmas & A Happy New year 2006

From sunny Arizona Love to all,

Dawn & Bob

Thursday, December 22, 2005

There is A Black Cloud over Boston Today

Picture from Hometown

There has been a dark cloud over hovering Boston, New England and I know in my heart all the way to Mesa AZ.   The reason being that Johnny Damon, the sweetheart of the Boston Red Sox has signed with our arch rival New York Yankees.  The prize for Damon is a four-year sweet deal of $52 million.   For that he will cut his flowing hair and start wearing pin stripes.   He sold us out.   Yes, Johnny be gone.  And the Sox are in trouble.  He will be missed.    

Picture from HometownPicture from Hometown   Picture from Hometown  


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A Christmas Card For You

  Picture from Hometown                                                                   Picture from Hometown

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Jesus is the reason for the season. To delete Him is like making applesauce without apples

There is a problem with the FTP Space , so I am not able to put in a lovely Christmas picture.  Just picture one in your mind as you read this.  

 I don't often haul myself up on a soapbox, but I'm up there now and here goes.    

 I'm tired of hearing "Happy Holiday."  What is wrong with a simple "Merry Christmas"?   Bob went to Safeway yesterday to pick up some groceries that we needed.  While greeting the check out person, he said "Merry Christmas" and they replied "Happy Holiday."   OK, one person's thought, but on the way out,  another employee said "Have a nice day" to Bob and he answered "Merry Christmas."   To this he got a "Happy Holiday."   It seemed they had been told by management to use these words. 

  Last Sunday's sermon at church was just about this issue.  The priest ended up suggesting to  us all to take our grocery business to Basha Market as they were not afraid to play religious Christmas songs as well as humorous Christmas.  We smiled at the time hearing this.   But you know as this week went on, we decided to wake up and speak up.  

 Polls show that 96 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas, and to most of us, it is our most sacred holiday.  So let's stand up together and fight back.  Wish everyone a Merry Christmas and flood the ACLU with Christmas cards.  See yesterday entry for address.  Come on now, only cost you 37 cents and two minutes of your time.  Don't let anyone take your Christ out of Christmas.  

 Love to all.   I'll step down now.     Thanks, and by the way....if nobody has told you yet: "Merry Christmas!"

  Click here: Jewish Group Defends 'Merry Christmas' Greeting -- 12/01/2005

Friday, December 16, 2005

Wanna Have Some Fun?

Wanna have some fun this CHRISTMAS? Send the ACLU a CHRISTMAS CARD with no return address! As they are working so very hard to get rid of the CHRISTMAS part of this holiday, we should all send them a nice, CHRISTIAN, card to brighten up their dark, sad, little world. Two tons of Christmas cards would freeze their operations because they wouldn't know if any were regular mail containing contributions.. So spend 37 cents and tell the ACLU to leave Christmas alone, be sure to say Wishing You Merry Christmas. I did! "

Here's their Address:                                    
                                                                     Picture from Hometown   
125 Broad Street
18th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Woe is me.

Picture from Hometown  Sorry I have not been updating, but I have a good excuse.  

 We had a computer problem.  Really!    Our DVD-CD ROM driver just disappeared.   Some little thief in the night sneak in our motor home and must have taken it.  I questioned all the neighbors and of course they all pleaded innocent.  The thief even took the icon.  

Well it took a few trying days to find out that it had become corrupt and needed to be installed with the start up CD, but here's the catch, the CD won't work without a driver. So we had to take it to the local computer shop, "Serving On-Line Seniors" and within 48 hours, we were back on line, for a reasonable fee.

   Here's a link to my favorite Advent calendar.   I thimk you will enjoy it.

Click here: 2005 Advent Calendar Presented by Q-Creative Multimedia :: Advent Calendar, Susan Preston, Qcreative advent calend

Monday, December 5, 2005

Cave Creek

Today, with friends, we visited Cave Creek, a little town, situated in the foothills north of Phoenix.   In the 1880's it was a mining camp and still caries over the mining/western atmosphere today.   Cave Creek's chief draw is tourism offering many small independent shops, several restaurants and some art galleries.    No big name stores or eateries here, just plain folk.  

 We had lunch at the Buffalo Chip Saloon, just because we like the name..   To give you an idea of the menu Bob had the "Big Buckin Burger". Oh well.  

 Later as we were strolling around we discovered the Norby Gallery.   As Monday is a slow day in Cave Creek, we were able to spend time in the gallery talking with the owner and artist, Arthur Norby.  He was a gracious host giving us the tour,  answering all our questions, knowing  full well we were not going to be a customer.   We had questions concerning  a full size sculpture he is working on, and some of the paintings.   The mood of the gallery shifts from very high priced items to the rather whimsical paintings and garden sculptures.  

It was a fun day checking out all the little shops with a variety of western themes.   One of the shops offered pieces of peanut-brittle free and water $10. a bottle.   I thought this was odd until I tasted the candy and boy was that HOT.  They also sold chili beer.  We could see a chili pepper in each bottle.

Sunday, December 4, 2005


  The Joy  of Togetherness   Picture from Hometown