Thursday, February 17, 2005

This and That

The wind has welcomed you with softness,

The sun has blessed you with its warm hands,

        You have flown so high and so well,

        That God has joined you in laughter,

And sent you gently back again into the loving

                        Arms of Mother Earth.

Unown writer

The other day we went to  Skydive Arizona.  This is the world's largest skydiving center and draws  visitors from all over the world.  When we were there there were teams from France, Belgium, and Japan. It appears to be a training camp of choice throughout the states and the world.   It's a large complex including bunkhouses, a pool, coaching, restaurants, rec hall and a camping area as well.

Our friends Mary and Chuck went  with us and after a very short time, Chuck thought this was something he would like to do and Mary  thought it would be a good Valentines Day gift to remember.

For first time jumpers the tandem jump is recommended. They jump from 13,000 feet and free fall to 5,000 feet.  He also was in control of the ripcord to pull the parachute.  Mary was so glad to see that open up.  He absolutly loved the jump.  They also videoed it for him.  What a thrill!

Catch you all later.  Have a wonderful time.


Anonymous said...

My kids all laugh at me, then get nervous when they hear me say,"I'd like to try sky diving. lol I would! I reassure them somebody would HAVE to push me out but I would love to try. Hugs. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

That sounds like SO-O-O much fun! What a great gift idea.
I've just come across your journal and  amreally enjoying it. Thanks for sharing your wonderful adventures.

Anonymous said...

LOL You guys are the kind of retiree I hope to be one day. Active, fun, adventurous. I never want to be "old". ;-)

Anonymous said...

sounds like fun!! great photos :-)


Anonymous said...

HI DAWN!.....just stopping by, and catching up on your journal.......i'm checking out what's going on in your life......i'll call you cell phone was off....i just got the message!........FRAN