Thursday, February 24, 2005


We have had a fun week with Steven .  Seeing things are always more fun with a child around.  The other day we went to Tortilla Flat, a popular day trip on the historic Apache Trail.  The road up the mountain twists and climbs upward and allows  us the most spectacular views.  Over one hundred years ago Tortilla Flat was a thriving stage coach stop and a stop for the construction worker working on the Roosevelt Dam.  

Today the only restaurant is called Superstition Saloon and is famous for its Killer Chili and huge half-pound hamburgers.  One of the most memorable thing about this restaurant is that the walls and ceiling are covered with dollar bills from all over the world.   It's all about atmosphere including saddles to sit on at the bar instead of a stool. 

 At night we taught Steven to play Mexican Train with friends Mary and Chuck.  Now he wants  to buy a set for home with his family.


Anonymous said...

I've never heard of Mexican train before.  It's got me curious.  That restaurant sounds wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures!

Anonymous said...

The pictures were Fabulous. Steven looks like a hot ticket. Children really do allow us to re-experience the world.

Anonymous said...

What fun!  I love the pics.  You always go to some really cool places!!!