Sunday, February 27, 2005

Arizona's Renaissance Festival

Today we went to the Arizona Renissance Festival in Apache Junction and walked for 6 hours!  The fair is huge.  It is  a 30-acre village with King and his court,  castles, pubs, outside kitchens and artisans hawking their wares.  The village is filled with costumed characters, stages with entertainment and lots of fattening food to tempt the weak, like me.  Every fourth person or so was munching on large  turkey leg.   I prefer brisket with peppers and onions.  Yum.  

Upon entering the festival. the first person I noticed was a wonderful dressed wandering faerie  minstrel named "Twig."  Sure looked like a faerie to me.

We really enjoy today and felt no guilt eating all the goodies as we must have walked off most of the calories. 

  The sword swalling act was amazing and very entertaining.  The jousting tournament features stunt riders and combat activity was also a good take.  Each section of the arena was rooting for a different knight, with hooting and jeers.  Lots of fun.



Anonymous said...

How cool! I love Renaissance fairs.

Anonymous said...

I love these fairs. My brother used to perform in many of them on a regular basis.  Now, he's married with an adopted son.  So, he's had to put that on hold for a little while.

Anonymous said...

Renn faires are great fun. We sometimes dress up and go.

Anonymous said...

wow, looks like so much fun!  would love to go to a renn. fair!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like something I would enjoy. I went to a place in Florida once called  Medieval times. Had a blast there. Our King was drunk. LOL
