Monday, April 19, 2004

25 Random facts

John Scalzi of By The Way has given us an assignment to list 25 random facts about ourselves. So, here are mine.  

 1.  My  closest  friend Esmarelda  is a witch.
2.  I know that  Pepsi is the drink of the Gods.
3.  I once hit a police cruiser with my future father-in-laws car.
4.  My favorite drink is a frozen key lime margaretta.
5.  I have been on several drug raids with CID.
6.  I have everything I want except a grandchild.
7.  I once got shingles in my eye.
8.  My favorite shoes are flip flops.
9.  I saw a UFO and was it  investagated by the University of Colorado and the  police chased it!
10.  I am not blessed with a lot of patience.
11. The smartest thing I ever did was to marry Bob.
12. In high school I was the leader of the baton squard.
13. I am considered by some to be affluent homeless.
14. I saw Johnny Ray cry.
14. George W. is my favorite cowboy.
15. While in high school I was a soda jerk.
16. I retired 4 years ago this month.
17. I  am left handed but was forced to write with my right hand.
18. When I was 15, I bought a car for $1 at a local dealership advertising first one in line buys it for $1.
19. I was once considered a good dancer.
20. I would like to be able to speak Spanish.
21. I like a good horror movie.
22. Not everyone knows this, but I have my own police issue handcuffs.
23. I love to sing, but can't carry a tune.  My children would go to sleep when I stopped singing.
24. I have 2 neices older than me.
25. I enjoy journaling and the new friends I have made.       


Anonymous said...

wow that is great I don't even think I could come up with 25 let alone 3 awesome thanks for sharing that info

Anonymous said...

I would love to speak Spanish too. My husband speaks it fluently. I love your list!

Anonymous said...

great list dawn! you affluent homeless person, you...

now, would you care to elaborate on those sly debil you...

Anonymous said...

Flora... That was covered on number 26!   Dawn