Tuesday, April 1, 2008

This and That

Wow, April Fools Day and so far no one has fooled me!   I guess I know all the tricks now.    Bob went golfing this morning  and I went to an early meeting with the girls and then out to breakfast.  From there we checked out the local Hospice store.  You never know what treasures they have there any given day.
I started to make a list today of all the things we wanted to do or see before we leave Florida.   The list was bigger than I expected.
OH,  by the way, on my March 9th entry, I asked if anyone knew where I could find lime green chair cushions, well, friends Mary and Marianne found them for me.   Thanks guys.They spotted them at the Burlington Coat Factory!       The name  of the game was perseverance.   I love the way they look.
I had a nice surprise today.   The local florist delivered me a lovely flower  birthday cake.  Yes, I was almost a fool, tomorrow is my birthday.
Sometime this week we are expecting a moving van to deliver things that we put in storage eight years ago when we started this adventure.   It will be like Christmas, not remembering what was saved and boxed.  My cedar chest was the biggest item as we did not store any other furniture.  Bob can't imagine where we will put anything, but it's my "stuff" and I want it!  
Gotta get out of here.  Take care.   Catch you later.


Anonymous said...

LOL on your cat. That's cute!
Glad you got your cushions. Hope you have a good night.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!  You share it with my uncle, my dad's brother, that just passed in August.  He would have been 76.  I know you are younger! I hope you have a great day, I love the cake!  And, Maggie looks so adorable watching the birds on the the tv!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Maggie is just adorable!

Happy Birthday, my friend!!!!! Have a wonderful day.


Anonymous said...

Well, hope everything gets delivered safe and sound, Dawn.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Dawn hope you are having a lovely day.  Its our son's birthday today too. Hope you find all sorts of great surprises in your box.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, hope you had fun, and good luck with the move and getting your treasures back,


Anonymous said...

Hope your day was the best---what a gorgeous cake---your forever friend, surely is a person of great taste !!!!  Talk to you soon---Ezmarelda

Anonymous said...

I wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday Dawn, hope you were able to celebrate it in some special way.  How are you liking staying in once place for awhile?  Sure sounds like you've stayed busy and had fun.  We plan to take ours out tomorrow and take off for the weekend.  No kiddos this time, so it will be  different.

Anonymous said...

This seems to be the only way I am able to converse with you---s-o-o-o-o-o have your posessions arrived yet ???  How much fun will that be !!!!  Talk to you later my sister----Esmarelda

Anonymous said...

Well, Happy Belated Birthday Greetings!